Friday, June 13, 2014

Rant & Roll

Chicks are Hot on a Forklift

I saw this Hot Chick, on a Forklift,
She was picking up pallets
and puttin' 'em on a ship,
It was when she turned
is when our eyes first met she said...
You're the Load I've been looking for BOY!


She drives a Raymond Model R69
She loves to throw it into reverse
just to feel that grind.
She's your forklift driver
so you better be kind!
or she's gonna double stack ya'...

while she shoves it in from behind...


That's how we roll y'all
thru the forklift line
No need to stress at all
we'll get you out on time.
Just treat those girls right
and everything will be just fine.

On the forklift line...

doodoodeedoodoodeedoo doodoodeedoodoodeedoo

If you know the one pallette rule
she'll wave ya' right through
to the front of the line
so don't act the fool.

Just have your paper work ready
and make sure it's signed.

Just watch that load 'cause it's Heavy
and I'll cu next time...

and that's how we DO!

She drives a Raymond Model R69
She loves to throw it into reverse
just to feel that grind.
She's your forklift driver
so you better be kind!
or she's gonna double stack ya'...

while she shoves it in from behind...

She drives a Raymond Model R69
She loves to throw it into reverse
just to feel that grind.
She's your forklift driver
so you better be kind!
or she's gonna double stack ya'...

while she shoves it in from behind...

doodoodeedoodoodeedoo doodoodeedoodoodeedoo

That's how we roll y'all
thru the forklift line
No need to stress at all
we'll get you out on time.
Just treat those girls right
and everything will be just fine.

On the forklift line...On the forklift line...ON THE FORKLIFT LINE!

Something like that huh??? It's a little cheesy, but it's cute and it's needed to be said, Forklift Chicks are HOT!!!...and that's a fact!

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