
Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Well we told you that those Russians were smart, if in fact it was the Russians that hacked 1.2 billion usernames and passwords.

The last two times that the US blamed China for hacking American sites it turned out to be the US.

So, don't get mad at us if we don't believe you this time.

Passwords are not a solution for today's online threats.

The only good password is a 20 character password, with Numbers (1234), Letters (abcd), Case Sensitive Letters (AbCd) and Symbols (!@#$) and even space bar can be used as a part of the password.

However, most sites don't support good password combinations and limit you to certain symbols only.

This is curious to me because software has been able to handle alpha/numeric/symbol/case sensitive passwords forever, it's just lately that they limit you to stupid passwords.

It's criminal in my opinion when websites only allow limited characters and allows hackers the information on what "ONE" special character is allowed to be used.

When you are FORCED to use a certain symbol in your password combination will be all the hacker needs, the rest is a blindfolded/hands tied behind their back crack!

Credit Card Companies HINT HINT LIMIT you to limited characters, which is really stupid and makes us think that they are the weakest link, and they are...and that's a fact!

Just like viruses like HIV and EBOLA are man made and they have antidotes for them, but they act like it's a mystery disease.

IT'S BULLSHIT and are used for Population Control...which is another fact!

Anyway, passwords...

Now, take our Granparents. They will never remember a 20 character password with symbols and letters and numbers and upper or lower case symbols, nor should they.

Hell WE don't even like to type a 20 character password for each one of our sites.

Not only that, but you have to have a different 20 character password for each site you log into, which is ridiculous.

Now Amazon is using what they call "OTP" (One Time Password) and is okay, but still has it's problems and is only a Band-Aid for the current problem...and is another fact!

So, now they have Retina and Finger Print technology, but still not effective and unreliable.

sidenote: "Mac addresses can be modified. Also, its length is not really enough
to prevent brute force attack." I.R.

However, there is a solution to the current problem and it's called, "Behavioral Biometrics Identification (how you walk, look, see, speak and so on)."  I.R.

This is the Fix to the password problem and will make passwords obsolete, however, this technology is very expensive and is still in development, but expense doesn't matter when you think of what you are already spending to stop a non-stoppable epidemic, and all you need is a little education :-)

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein

"Security Experts Call for Government Action Against Cyber Threats"

The Government can't even secure its own borders, they don't know how to make a profit, they are 16 Trillion Dollars in debt and you want them to be in control of our Cyber Security?

Not just no, BUT HELL NO! The only involvement that the Government should be allowed is access to suspected accounts.

It's all about transparency and yes, accounts should be allowed to be checked for malicious activity, but as for creating or designing security we say HELL NO!

The best security system the Government uses is Symantec's More Spam Malware Attractor.

Symantec said, We haven't been able to stop a virus for a long time, yeah WE KNOW, Since 2001 to be exact!

Looks like we were right again: Snowden: NSA has secret ‘MonsterMind’ program that operates without human intervention...

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