Sunday, May 22, 2022

You Created the Monster…

Putin is a product of many, Russia has been labeled as the Evil Empire to many, when in fact they’re wrong…

If you continually accuse someone of doing something regardless if it’s true or not they’ll eventually become that person…

Putin has just become the monster you’ve called him for years…

In fact he said you called me a pariah so I might as well strike America…

In school all you’ll hear about is how England, France and of course America conquered Hitler, but this isn’t true…

Russia was the reason Hitlers band of cronies couldn’t succeed…

They also lost more people than any other country something like 20-30 million Russians…

We couldn’t imagine living under a communist rule where freedom of expression is not allowed…

But who are we to judge, it’s easy to pick and pry at something you know nothing about, other than what media tells us…

We recently wrote where Putin was a blood thirsty maniacal tyrant, but now we’ve chimed in with the name callers…

If we had to guess why Putin is doing what he’s doing we would say he is disappointed with Ukrainians…

Russia by land mass is huge, but their population or they’re Russian population is dwindling…

There’s no loyalty to the Russian way of life anymore, whether that be communist ruling or something else is merely speculative, but something is off…

What’s sad to us, aside from the countless loss of life, is the pathetic military and military equipment Russia  has…

It’s laughable on how unprepared, unprofessional their military is, and is truly a sign of weakness to us…

What we don’t understand is why isn’t President Zelensky attacking Russia, they’re completely left wide open…

We’ve said it before, defense doesn’t win the game, defense just gives the offense more opportunities to succeed, but if offense isn’t advancing then your fate is inevitable…

So President Zelensky a piece of advice, strike or be struck…

However, there’s a better way to end this war and we feel the World owes it to the people of Russia…

The World needs to say in one voice, Thank You Russia for Conquering Hitler and Stalin and ending their horrific campaign…

Russia needs to be given the credit they deserve for WWII and apologize to them for not recognizing it sooner…

Thank you Russia and we’re sorry for taking so long to give you the accolades you deserve…

Unfortunately Putin you’ll still need to answer for the countless innocent lives you’ve murdered and the Russian soldiers you’ve put in harms way, in this life…or the next…and that’s a fact!!

Sevendust - Descend…

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