Saturday, July 31, 2021

Here's an Idea...


Commercials should be done in sequels...

Leave a commercial in an unfinished, cliffhanger to be continued state of being...

You play another commercial that has nothing to do with the first commercial, then the third commercial will be the continuation of commercial one...

...and then commercial four would be for commercial two...

...however, it doesn't have to be that way...

You could create a story that plays out all the uses your product is capable of doing...

The commercials could go as long as the 30 minute sitcom as well as being played for hours or even days...

You have a stain in your rug...well stay tuned and we'll show you how to remove that stain with our new improved blah blah...

Commercials could be little sitcoms...

It'll be hard to determine which is your favorite show or commercial...

Which is good, because the transition to commercial usually results in the viewer changing channels...

Commercials could also, if they want...could also, team up together and create commercial within a commercial...

Find a way they can relate...

Create a Product line with your vendors products and show compatibility and complimentary attributes...

The program director could also find a way to use pop ups inside the commercial that has the logo of the vendors they support...just a 5 second pop up...

This way you could pay for your commercials...

The result is to keep people on your station during and between the intermissions while being entertained all the time...

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