
Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Story Upper...

The Story Upper, you know who this is, it's the person that always ups your story to tell everyone about their story...

You'll be telling a story and the story upper will find some significance with your story that reminds them of a story of their own and before you know it, they're telling their story and taking away from yours...

Certain people are desperate to be noticed or to heard and once they've taken the attention away from you, they can feed their need for whatever craving their after...

Your story will be upended by theirs and pretty soon people will be listening to them regardless if their story is good enough, it's only that people aren't strong enough to say, Hey, Bob was telling us their story, so STFU please...

Sometimes the story upper gets upped, and pretty soon the group is upping each others story until either they realize it's time to go, or they've run out of segues to up the last story...

It's like that game where someone starts a sentence then passes on the sentence to someone else to finish the sentence, all the meanwhile working towards creating a story out of the sentence that was first created...

Sometimes the sentence starts with only a picture of something or someone and you fill in the blank spaces...

Just a piece of advice, if you are ever presented with the picture of an old person which is very commonly used in English, just finish it by saying, they died and be done with it...

Or considering the times we live in, just say, they got Covid and died, you never know, you just might get 10,000 dollars...

Oh, that reminds us of a story...

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