
Sunday, July 12, 2020

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Tim McGraw - Humble And Kind (Official Video)...

A little fact to add to this post: 

We went to a convenient store and as we were checking out the customer before us was still at the counter putting away their change in their wallet and overheard us talking to the cashier...

The conversation was the typical conversation, nothing out of the ordinary, but what sparked the interest in the customer before us was our use of please and thank you and just common respect for the person behind the counter...

They felt it necessary to tell us that they don't use please and went as far as telling us they had taught their son that same lesson, to, not use the word please...

To be honest I didn't know what to say, first of all, who are you and why are you involved with our conversation in the first place, then the fact that they taught their son this lesson and felt it necessary to share with us on that day...

Neither of us said anything and the person just sauntered out leaving the cashier and I looking at one another with confusion, than we both giggled...

As we stare at the canvas in front of us we really don't know what else to say about that, other than, thank you for taking the time to read what we have to say, and please, be humble and kind... :-)

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