
Friday, January 18, 2019

If you build Walls, they'll just dig Tunnels...

Let's clear the elephant out of the room first, using employees as leverage...

The biggest for shame blame game that's going around is that they don't understand why they would be using federal workers as leverage to push an initiative, allow us to answer...

"Los Angeles Unified School District, where the strike affects half a million students at more than 900 schools, is opting to keep its doors open this week as teachers protest outside"

People use people as leverage to force companies to pay them more all the time, hence, Trump wanting more money to build a Wall...

To be honest with you we don't understand why companies cave in to people's outrageous demands when they're are so many people out of a job...

There's an old saying, "put your hand in a bucket of water pull it out and look for the hole"...

There is a flip side to that saying, "the hand takes water with it as it leaves"...

Sure, situations like this can create ripples, but there's another saying, "Surfs UP"...

As for building a wall or having walls at all is just ridiculous to us and as we've said it before, tear down the walls...

Governments for Centuries have been telling their residents that evil exists on the other side of that wall and we're protecting you from it...

This statement sounds like a guardian/parent telling their kids that they don't want you playing with a certain individual because you think they are a bad influence...

Sure, there are bad seeds in any environment and admittingly so, there are elements in South and Central America that are an embarrassment...

They're like that really weird uncle/aunt that makes you feel uncomfortable when they're around, but hey, they're family...

Look at it this way, no one is going over to your house for dinner, because they keep coming over to ours...

It goes without mentioning, but we will, you're never invited you just show up unannounced, like an ant at a picnic...

As for the Morons that are dumping their trash in our State Parks is the reason we have a Govt. in the first place because you're a bunch of children that need a babysitter...

As for you Donald aka (President Trump) you need to stop this campaign, open the Government, start paying the babysitters and start creating a better relationship with the Family...

The Family being Central and South America...

By the Way, Marijuana has been legalized here, state govt's are allowing people to shoot up heroin in the streets so really you have nothing we don't have already...

Look Trump, people are living paycheck to paycheck and their savings will only last them a couple of months and we're pretty sure your pledge was to get people working...

There's another old saying Trump, "two wrongs don't make a right" so don't be like the teachers that strike and leave children without an education and parents on edge because they have no one to watch them while they're at work...

We said it before and we'll say it again, "if you build walls, they'll just dig tunnels" and that's a fact!

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