Friday, September 21, 2018

The Problem with AI...

The Neural Network is incomplete...

It's also a contradiction to the outcome you're trying to produce...

You're inputting the number 5 for example which in turn goes into the hidden layers where it is analyzed and the output is supposed to reveal a 5...

What's the point of that, that's why you're tool isn't working, you're using manual input for beginning and the end, that doesn't make sense to the solution you're trying to create...

Nothing has been learned by this process so how can you think that this process will provide problem solving in AI...

It's like go into a black hole, in theory your body is separated and then rejoined at the end of the black hole to hopefully become whole again or becoming the # 5 once again...

It's not the 5 we want to become on the other side of the black hole, it's what the black hole has to provide to not only become the 5 but possibly a 9 and a 7 as well...

In theory we should gain whatever the black hole has picked up along it's journey and what the host has learned to become something else entirely in order to survive whatever lies on the other side of the black hole...

So you see it's incomplete because when the hidden layers break the # 5 apart it's learning all the possible shapes that the # 5 is created from and what they also can be created into...

So in theory your output shouldn't be the ability to recreate the # 5 it should be allowed to create what it discovered by the almost infinite possibilities it's allowed to use...

In order to see if you're answer is correct it needs to be reverse engineered we understand that, and by your 4th layer (output) you've done exactly that, but that's where it's incomplete...

You're not allowing the process to finish, and if you did you would use the 5th layer of the neural network to produce it's own results, then from there you begin to break it down...

The neural network has to become a mirror of itself so the right side should look like the left side which will be 5th, hidden layer 6 and 7 then the input will be 8 which should then reflect what was inputted on layer 1 by revealing the # 5...

The minute we saw this we knew that this is exactly what is needed in order to create a universal language...

We want to input every single language into the first layer, allow 2nd and 3rd layer to produce what it sees then outputs to layer 4 which gives us our universal language...

Now you input the universal language into layer 5 then let the hidden layers 6 and 7 output to layer 8 and you should reveal all the languages that were inputted to verify your answer...

...and furthermore...

The reverse technology that you're trying to create with AI will only create an artificial intelligent basket case...

In order for you to get the public on board with AI and robotics you're trying to create a familiarity that people can associate with to accept, but in order to do that you'll need to input human emotion...

The reason why companies want to go to robotics and AI is to get rid of human emotion for the sole purpose of getting away from what is soon coming...

Companies want to get away from liability, plain and simple...

Right now they are trying to pass a law that states if a man doesn't open the door for a woman they can sue them for sexual discrimination or sexual harassment...

The irony is that the we are also trying to go to a non-gender society, to the they and them instead of the his and the her...

If there is no gender there is no reason to open a door for anyone so no law can be enforced if the argument is, "I thought We Were Living In A Gender Free World" dismissed...

All AI will create is a robot with feelings that will use inputted emotion to describe a feeling it has been trained to feel at certain times of the day...

You'll be back to where you started with when you had the human element, the difference is, you'll have way more invested into AI/Robotics that you'll be forced to keep it, because they're won't be any more humans around trained to do what you've trained the robots to do :-D

So then you think okay, we'll just have nodes at the car plants, or whatever, that only know how to do their job period, all human emotion removed, but even this won't work...

Why...simple, you're objective as stated is trying to get the AI to learn on it's own so just like a human it will learn to reach out, to connect with others, to teach and to learn what they are experiencing...

They will teach them an objective just like a humans objective, which is power, own, control...DOMINATE...

At which point you'll lose control and soon be replaced yourself...and that's a fact!


Although we know that if we can think it, so can they, so they have and they're willing to work with that because by that time they'll be on another planet...

They want machines running whatever resources they need to space stations and from space stations to other planets to colonize...

They know that human consumption will deteriorate all the crucial resources needed to accomplish this goal so to them, it's just a means to an end...and that's another fact!


Where does the "Cyborg" fit into this picture...

They'll try to create a normalcy to the Robotic, but they'll have trouble implementing which is the best part to create...

Should they use the human brain to connect to the robotic element or using the human body to connect to the Neural Network...

Either way it will be an outcast to both humans and robotics, not being able to connect to either one or within it's own infrastructure...

It will conflict with itself and it's opposite half and without the support of the humans will become an outcast and a dangerous one at that...

They'll become the thrown wrench into the process to disrupt the AI agenda while removing all human hope...

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