Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Dreaded Drag Interview with Elon Musk and Joe Rogan...

The first question that came to mind for the media outlets was, why did Elon Musk Smoke Weed...

Just their insane uses of heightened frenzy to describe anything that happens in the world has created a stigma against all humanity...

Uses like, The Worst Ever in History, 2 dead turns into Multiple Fatalities, and a Puff off of a tobacco cigarette mixed with weed has turned into, Elon Musk Smokes Weed...

Then the catastrophic failure of the domino toppleology, not to be confused with topology, Tesla Shares have dropped 10% and three key executives leave Tesla...

Well first of all, Tesla was already losing shares in the market so 10% today is just the pattern it's been on for awhile and as for the three executives...they left for other reasons, not because of the Puff of Weed...

However, they grouped as much as they could together to create an narrative that Marijuana has yet again destroyed lives...WHATEVER...

The question that came to our mind is why Elon Musk was sitting down conducting an interview with this low level podcaster...

cannedrebuttal: Yes Joe, spoken by a low-level blogger ;-)

It's simple, it's the same reason why he took a puff off of a Marijuana Cigarette, it's his curiosity of the uncharted zones...

In order to understand, you must experience, that's the grasp of reality that most people don't have the ability nor the aptitude to acquire...

aptitude - The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained through learning...

Elon Musk is the finite reality that a single mind holds within it both the ability to achieve by achievement through knowledge both of which have been accomplished by Elon Musk...

Who else comes to mind that had this ability...Steve Jobs of course, Nikola Tesla and even Charles Darwin...

Elon Musk took a puff off of a Marijuana Cigarette for the same reason he sat down with Joe Rogan to conduct an interview and for the same reason he created Tesla, to understand...

What most people don't understand is that most ideas are created from some of the simplest ideas, or the simplest of mistakes...

For years people stuck their dirty fingernails between their teeth to remove debris then one day, voila, a toothpick or voila again, dental floss...

The solutions may be complex, but the idea was simple and with the right people you can take a simple idea and make it a reality...

That's all Elon Musk has done, and because of his ideas he was able to break through one of the hardest markets to break through and by others following him should show you that his ideas worked...

Mercedes is now following the pattern, Chevy, hell even Countries are following his ideas by demanding all Carbon Vehicles be removed from their streets altogether...

Elon Musk is both a phenomenon and reality rolled up in one and should give hope to the idealists out there that it's not your idea that's stupid, it's the people your telling your idea to that are stupid...

Stupid is a harsh word and it's not the fault of the non-believers, it's just that they are wired differently so calling them stupid is not the right word...

Even Joe Rogan continually called himself stupid throughout the interview which is sad because he lacks self-confidence that could be inhibiting him to become more than just a podcaster...

The problem we see with Joe Rogan is that he is lost in his own theorem of Existentialism derived upon single malt whiskeys and bong resin...

A little fact for you Joe, Marijuana by itself doesn't create cancer in the body thanks solely to the THC in marijuana, but when you mix THC with Tobacco your chances of getting cancer are increased by the power of 10 over just 1 cigarette alone...

...just thought you might want to know that...

Although, Joe Rogan isn't the subject matter here, he is more the catalyst that brought a person like Elon Musk to his table and for that we thank him...

It allowed Elon Musk to expose his vulnerable side of which he most definitely has and his child like curiosity is invigorating...

His passionate persona he exhibited towards humanity and the planet was enlightening and silly media statements tarnished that message...

You should be ashamed of yourself for all the negativity you created by your limited view of what this interview accomplished...

Elon Musk opened up a side of him that most of us have never seen, a vulnerability that all of us have within us, but seem to forget when we're able to exploit it in others...

It's simple human behavior that fervors peoples reaction to situations like this based solely on an embarrassment situation they must have endured once or twice in their lives...

It's redemption for the masses to accuse and mock a person of the elite to subjectively intimidate and recuse their abilities based primarily on emotional vulnerability...

Thankfully Elon Musk recognized that there are a few of them out there, but humanity as a collective is mostly good...

The Elon Musks of the World are happiest when they are seeing their ideas come to fruition, so for you to think that Elon Musk is wearing himself out due to all the work he does is only because you don't understand how a true worker thinks...

The new generation of people that are out there don't want to work anymore, they want things handed to them, free college, free food, free money, free housing, free healthcare, free free free...

...and what will they do for it...nothing :-D...

Elon Musk is at his best when he's going 100 miles an hour in all directions so allow him to persevere and stop getting in his way...

The best thing you can do for a person like this is feed his ideas and give them life to prove either falsehoods or realities...

Nothing gets accomplished by sitting around smoking weed all day and even Elon Musk pointed that out...

The media of course didn't bring that important FACT up, nope they just wanted to create their own narrative...

We wish you the best of luck in all that you do Mr. Musk, we couldn't be happier to see an Idea Person being able to see their ideas finally come to life...

It brings hope to those that think like you Mr. Musk, but it also shows people that it takes work and determination for those hopes to become realities...

You've had a very accomplished life, it didn't come easy for you and it wasn't handed to you, so keep up that momentum and don't worry you'll get there...

Nobody believed in Jeff Bezos for years, and look at him now...

The Tesla will get finished, just give it time to make sure it's done right, remember that perfection takes time...

In a world of speed speed speed, faster faster faster, cheaper cheaper cheaper, it's hard to be humble...

A little piece of advice Mr. Musk, stop being distracted by elements in life that don't have anything to do with your mission, but if your mission changes, let the world know...

You can't change people, but you can change the World...and that's a fact!

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