
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Amazing is no Awesome...

This is a perfect example to show the lackluster creativity this generation possesses...

Let's break apart the Word...

They started with the A, then turned the W upside down to make an M, and we know an E can be used as an A like in etoufee, the Z is just a turned around S and the last three letters were replaced with

Amazing is a gerund at best where it starts out as a verb, but finishes as a noun, so really it just putters out in the end...

Amazing can also be considered an Adjective, but just saying the word just loses its luster at the end, AAAAmazing...

Not like Awesome, Awesome has power, it finishes strong whereas Amazing doesn't...

Awesome - "Extremely" impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.
                 - "the awesome power of the atomic bomb"
Amazing - Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.
                - "an amazing number of people registered"

...see, boring...

Look if you want to shake things up you're going to have to think outside the box, however we don't see that happening with the current administration...

The current generation is here to correct the errors of what's already established, help tweak the bugs out of software/hardware, a polishing of the chrome if you will generation...

There is nothing wrong with where we are at right now and is a very integral part in the process of existence and continuation...

So in a way the word Amazing is the perfect word for this generation, nothing too flashy, just sort of ordinary and subdued...

However, the next generation, the Z generation is going to be INDOMITABLE...and that's a fact!

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