Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year...

The only advice we have for you going into the new year is to STOP drinking water directly out of the tap...

A lot of the craziness that is going on in our nation is from Bad Water being drunk from lead filled taps...

The Romans drank out of Lead Cups and eventually they went crazy which lead to their downfall...

You need to clean up your water, restaurants need to run filtered water, homes need to run filtered water...

When you drink and cook with good water then drink and cook with bad water you'll taste a difference...and that's a fact!

Water is our most valuable resource, so start respecting it...

It's all about better health for you, it started last year, but we want you to continue with that better health thinking going forward...

We wish you the best of luck in the new year, don't make new years resolutions, just know what you have to do to improve your life and stick with it...

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