Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Here's an Idea...

The Suit Jacket needs to be redesigned...

We noticed a problem with the Suit Jacket when we saw Stephen Colbert suits...

Here is a guy that has enough money to buy any suit he wants, of course he wasn't able to because they wanted to relate to the millennial so they tried putting him in a fitted suit which looks like SHIT!!!

He of course felt the same about it and started customizing the suit a bit to get away from the skinny look...

Since we're on the subject, the skinny suit leaves the legs so short it's what most people call out, what, you waiting for a flood...

They ride so high they almost look like Capris, absolutely horrible, but that's not why we're here...

The Suit Jacket's button is in the wrong place and the lapels need to be extended to hide the end of the tie...

If you look at the jacket at the buckle it fans out and shows the end of the tie, the tucked in shirt and looks like crap...

Plus with the button as high as it is it looks like they are getting choked out and wearing a little jacket, it just doesn't look right at all and we can't believe that look has lasted this long...

No one ever uses the second button and if they do it looks even weirder, so no one buttons that button, but that's where the lapels need to come down to...

That's why the double breast suit looks so much better than the standard business suit jacket, because it's a finished look, the business suit looks...wrong...

Think about it, because it's just an idea...

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