Saturday, October 14, 2017

It's Time...

It's time to update your iPhone to 11.0.3 if you haven't already...

It's changed a bit, but I think you'll like the new look...

All the phones have had one issue or another or another and another, but it's time...

iPhone 7 has seen a lot of issues, but it's mainly been all the older phones that have had the most of the problems, and like I said, the 5s would feel it the most and it has...

Although, it's not the case anymore, and you can feel confident to upgrade all your devices and you'll be happy you did, because your devices will be a little faster...

We do recommend though, that you tether your device to your computer and NOT use the WiFi connection...

We've heard that the bulk of the problems with the 5s version was due to the WiFi update, so connect your device to your computer...

sidenote: Make sure you check the App Store for installed apps that you have installed that are compatible with 11.0.3...

Remember computers?

Well it's the reason why you still need a computer, for situations like this...

Remember, Backup, Backup then Backup Again, make sure you backup your device first before updating...

Computers are still relevant and so is Apple...and that's a fact!


We've noticed a little bit more battery usage than before, but not enough to be concerned with updating...

More than likely they will be coming out with 11.0.4 soon to wrap up the battery usage issue, but just thinking out loud ;-)...

You'll like the new look and the increased speed...


Noticed today that the battery usage was higher than usual, our guess is they are collecting data in the background, but again, just thinking out loud based off of experience...

anyway, try turning off your Bluetooth and your WiFi under settings if you're not using it during the day...

Here are some other tips that Apple has put out for you to maximize your battery life:
Maximize Battery Usage

FYI: Apple is saying that people are just using more of their battery somehow, even though they haven't changed their routine...

Really Apple? Okay, just a tip for you Apple, in order to diagnose the solution to a problem you need to figure out what has changed recently...OH YEAH 11.0 CAME OUT :-D DUHHH...

There's your problem Apple, don't blame the end user, that's so tech...

Gordon Kelly from Forbes has a laundry list of end users complaining about all the issues they've had with the update(s)...

The problem that we are seeing that some of these errors are getting pushed into all the updates and now the 11.3 update as well...

The only problem with the 11.3 update is the higher battery usage, other than that the OS is functioning properly, better than it ever has before...

It's fast, and we love the new look, but are a little bummed out about the battery drainage, but we're still confident that this was the update to do...

We're confident that they'll be getting this fixed real soon, right Apple...


Well if you haven't figured it out yet, the problem is in the texting...

The biggest drainage of the battery is in the texting, and it's recommended to turn off iMessage and use only SMS...

...go to settings, messages and disable iMessage...

SMS is Green iMessage is Blue which is only writing or touch to make symbols, sketch tap or heartbeat, so nothing special really...

We noticed a significant improvement with our battery preservation...

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