Saturday, July 22, 2017

Here's an Idea...

Match Face...

Have you ever been on the other side of the phone thinking about what the other person looks like...

Or what about listening to the radio, trying to figure out what the person looks like by the sound of their voice...

When it comes to radio, you can rest assured there is a reason why they are the voice on the radio, hence the term, you have a face for radio...

Although when talking on the phone to someone you have never met, your imagination begins to design an interpretation your mind has perceived that person should look like based on your mood and preconceived notions...

Want need and desire come into play when trying to analyze the voice and tone of a person which often confuses the outcome you have perceived that person to be if one ever meets the face of a voice...

What if you could take this curiosity most people endure to a game show...

Contestants would hear a voice and would try to guess what that person would look like based only on a conversation that people have every day...

It would be a point based system based on the ethnicity, the size and the color of the hair of a person...

The dynamics of the show are based around political correctness and the evolutionary state we are in right now on describing how a person looks...

Previously people would just call a person fat, to more recently, plus size, but even that term has become fauxpas for today's standards and has been replaced with curves or fiercely real...

The compound adjective of the hyphenated ethnicity has also created a dynamic to the game which could be a daily double type scenario, like African-American or Asian Americans to European Americans or quite the opposite, White American, or even Black American...

Just because you can trace your heritage back to a certain region doesn't necessarily mean you associate with that genealogy anymore, based upon the length of time your family has been removed from that element which in turn has created a new generation...American...

Just choosing to use what has become standard is not standard any more in today's standard which changes daily based on the fact that America is more diverse than it ever has been before...

America is more evolved than any other nation on the planet due to the fact that we allow multi-generational people's which has given America a step up in the evolutionary gene pool...

Our Cultural diversities has given rise to a more modern way of thinking and reacting which has left the rest in the dust when it comes to conversing and relating to one another...

This game will show how far ahead we are and how far behind some people are when it comes to describing what you think you see a person as, and how that person identifies themselves...

We also think that it would be better to keep the audience in suspense as well, this way you prevent the rebuttal, oh I knew that, or how stupid are they that they couldn't figure that out...

We also think that you shouldn't be given a choice of three images to decide which person it could be, like one of our cohorts considered...

Although, we think it would be a good idea to include the audience as well as online watchers to be able to text in their answers, this way the contestants could choose their answer or go on their own...

This gives it away to much in our opinion, and if you think about it, the only image you have are the images you've gathered on your own, and leaves little for advanced interpretation...

Remember, we are trying to think outside the box, removing stereotype and in the process meeting a new person and creating a new relationship with someone you might have thought you would have never been able to connect with before...

Opening the door even wider to help create a forgiveness and acceptance for the past transgressions we have thrown on one another and acceptance for the things we have no power of being able to change...

The game also opens the door to a possible romance that can be created and those contestants could be brought back on the game to see if their stereotypes have changed based on their new interpretations...

This game also creates the ability to open a dialogue by opening up the discussion with contestants from all walks of life that only America has the ability to do...and that's a fact!

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