Monday, December 26, 2016

DW Update...

Well unfortunately there will not be a 64 bit version of the Platinum awarded Zero Day defense program...

Although, all is not lost...

In life it won't matter what you do, because before you know it, you might find yourself using those skillz somewhere else...

DW will live, but not in the form that we have grown accustomed to in the past...

Softsphere has always recognized a weakness in all webpages that no software on the market has been able to secure...

Softsphere is currently working on a secure solution to protect us all while browsing and shopping...

We'll be looking forward to the new year as you should be also, so keep a stiff upper chin...

Sylvester Stallone said it best in Rocky,  "it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"

We know a solution when we see it...and that's a fact!

Happy New Year, and Welcome to the TRUMP Years :-D

Friday, December 16, 2016

5hVnz Picture of the Day...

Now that's a 1000 words...

Thursday, December 15, 2016

5hVnz Book of the Month...

How to Be Invisible: The Essential Guide to Protecting Your Personal Privacy, Your Assets, and Your Life...
Inspired by the notorious Tommy G. Thompson

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Disable CompatTelRunner.exe...

What is the CompaTelRunner.exe...
This helps Microsoft make improvements to the current operating system in order to ease the upgrade experience to the latest version of Windows...
Now if you are like us and decided against the Windows 10 upgrade you'll be left with this neat little feature...Thanks Microsoft...
At first it was just a pop up that came up when we started windows, but lately it's become a little bit of a nuisance by hanging around for awhile...
Microsoft is doing all it can do to annoy users that aren't ready or don't want to upgrade to Windows 10 on some of their systems because Windows 7 works just fine...
sidenote: Don't fix what ain't broke
Anyway, without any further adieu, let's get rid of the nuisance...
Go to start run or search and type compmgmt.msc now go to System Tools/Task Scheduler/Task Scheduler Library/Microsoft/Windows/Application Experience...once there in the right pane Right Click on Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and choose disable...
Close the Computer Management you're done.

5hVnz Movie Pick of the Year...

This is hands down without any doubt the best movie of the year..."Hacksaw Ridge"

An unbelievable story done exceptionally well by the most unlikely person...Mel Gibson...

Hacksaw Ridge (2016 - Movie) Official Trailer – “Believe”

What was that...

Amazon introduces "Amazon Go" a store that you don't need clerks, just shelves filled with items that you walk in and get and walk out with them, no lines, no checkers, just an Amazon account...
Now where have we heard of this...oh yeah...US!
Amazon said that they thought of this idea 4 years ago, really, more than likely an ear worm from our blog that we wrote 7 years ago about the same thing...
We were doing comparisons with Walmart and Amazon and their successes and failures they might endure over the years and that's when we had the idea "For Amazon" of the clerk free checkout...
We've seen many ideas of ours come true, just like many of you out there, the difference is for us is that we're just happy that someone finally did it...
Idea people are usually years ahead of others and because of that are typically mocked and ridiculed, but we have seen too many of our ideas come true to get caught up in the visionless taunts...
Congratulations Amazon, we're glad you finally caught on ;-)