Sunday, June 12, 2016

Homelessness Cont...

Another mistake that cities are making is that they are allowing homeless people to settle...

What this means is that you are allowing them to take control of an area, populate it and allow it grow and fester before you do anything about it and by the time you do it's a jungle...

Politics allow stagnation to happen because one side opposes another side and nothing ever gets done because nobody can agree with one another on how to solve anything...

You have to take the politics and emotions out of the mix in order to solve your homeless problem and treat it like you would a business...

The best paradigm that you currently have is a system you built :-D it's called incarceration or jail for short...

In a typical jail system they set up what they like to call a "Horseshoe" system, where they continually move the inmates from one cell to another...

The reason they do this is for a few reasons, one is to keep the population moving towards a goal, either temporary/permanent housing or simply to just clean the cell out...

They continually move people throughout the night and day never allowing them to settle, never allowing them to fester, never allowing them build relationships...

You have to use the practices you use today in order to solve the homeless problem...

Just like a jail, you have to keep the cell clean of human waste and in order to do this correctly you have to move them out of the way in order to clean the area properly and efficiently...

Just like a jail, you have one facility to work with, so you create encampments around the city that you can manage and move people from one encampment to another at a moments notice...

All you're doing is shifting one group of people to another location while moving another group into that location to keep it occupied and moving constantly...

You also have to split up the groups in order to refrain from people organizing within the encampments to keep people from getting too cozy with one another...

sidenote: Just because we have to say, keep the families together...

Just like jail, you'll need to keep them in the open so they can be seen at all times, make sure the spaces they move into are not covered...

The goal is to get them into permanent housing or allow them to bail themselves out sort of speak from the current situation of the "Horseshoe" program...

Just like a Jail, if they aren't able to either bail themselves out, or there sentencing/conditions prevent them from leaving the facility they're put into temporary housing where they have what they call 3 hots and a cot...

Just like jail, once they have this temporary housing they are able to better themselves with a library, social interaction, a job service to keep them busy and to make them feel like they are a part of a collective...

Once they have done their time they are allowed to be on their own and if they fail, they know that they'll be going back to the horseshoe and the process will start all over again until either they get it right or they don't...

If they don't they'll have an option for that as well, they move them to the BIG HOUSE, Prison or they die or a combination of both...

Remember, you can't save them all, but you can't sit around doing nothing either...

This horseshoe process has to happen once a week by moving them around and around like a merry go round and constantly cleaning, taking a tally of people, asking questions, keeping them alert and unsettled...

If you run it like you do in jail cells already you'll discourage people enough to enable them to help themselves...

We are all fallible, and it takes some people longer than others to figure things out, but by sitting on your hands and playing politics and bouncing texts back and forth to each other blaming the other for yelling at them (Sally Bagshaw) and putting your sensitive feelings first will gain you nothing but finger pointing with a backed up toilet...

Politicians are more of a Bum than the people living on the street, so get to work Politicians and start earning your 6 figure salaries and quit acting like a bunch of spoiled rotten brats!

There is no fast solution to homelessness and the addictions people have that put them in a homeless situation, because as we've said before you can't focus on the drug nor can you demonize the drug or the drug user...

Recently we read a story about a homeless person that spent 11 years on the streets before they found housing and are now 8 months into their new place with a new found hope...

This person is 58 years old and was recently saved by a system that is being used in the San Francisco area called The Navigation Center...

This is the end of the horseshoe type solution that is needed in order for the person to collect themselves, have a safe place to keep their possessions, a place to shower, a laundry facility and a place to sleep other than the street...

It also shows you that it's a faster solution for people then what they have been used to because if it wasn't for this type of solution 11 years could have been 22 years or until the streets swallowed them up...

Good Luck and GOD Bless.

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