Thursday, June 30, 2016

Prove us Wrong Whitman...

...we love it when we're wrong...
Oracle owes HP $3 billion in damages for breach of contract, jury says...

Monday, June 20, 2016

Cloud Based Web Browser...

Maxthon becomes the first browser to offer cloud-based services for syncing bookmarks and history...

Maxthon is developed by a Chinese company, Maxthon Ltd based in Beijing...

Tired of the Mainstream, looking for an alternative to FireYuck, well here you go, Maxthon, get yourself some!

Sunday, June 19, 2016



Not only did you earn it, you deserved it, 52 years in the waiting, what a thrill, congratulations once again and thank you for giving basketball what it needed...

You kept your Promise...

Final Score 93-89

Here's an Idea...

In the news we have been seeing a lot of the same types of recalls on vehicles, air bags, brake pin coming out and cars shifting out of park on their own...

Like Malware software for computers its purpose is to protect you in the times that your software is most vulnerable, usually between security patch updates, this can be applied to automobiles as well...

They have implemented auto braking and automatic parallel parking for cars for the times either you're not paying attention or just don't know how to parallel park and don't want to look like a fool...

The auto braking feature is like a Malware program that protects you when you're not paying attention, this feature should be applied to when the driver is out of the vehicle...

With the car coming out of Park is a place where the braking system can provide additional services to protect you from faulty equipment or user error...

Recently a great Actor had been killed by their car pinning them between a wall and the back of the car because either they forgot to put it in park, or the car came out of park...

sidenote: Should be investigated...

Either scenario shouldn't happen in our opinion and tragedy's like this should never happen, if you were to just implement a weight sensor in the seat(s)...

What we see is that the car would have a minimum weight limit set for the driver and possibly the passenger seat as well to monitor when the car is unoccupied, running or not...

It can't be the same weight of the driver because more than one person can drive a car, so it has to be set at a minimum weight of 5-20 pounds...

As you know Backup is what we love most about computers and we try to apply that passion into everything we do, so having a weight backup program to prevent accidental roll would be ideal...

It's the same principle you see at the U-Scan checkouts that keep track of the weight of food that is scanned to prevent theft, the same can be done with a backup braking system...

RIP Anton Yelchin Mar 11, 1989 - Jun 19, 2016

You will be missed...


The SUV that rolled down a driveway and killed "Star Trek" actor Anton Yelchin was being recalled because the gear shifters have confused drivers, causing the vehicles to roll away unexpectedly, government records show... being investigated...

Speaking of Restaurants...

Back in 2013 we started a Breakfast Club where we would invite people to breakfast at different breakfast restaurants around town...

Before we knew it we were two years into our venture of the breakfast club and realized that we should have been keeping track of the places we went and reviewed them along the way, but we didn't...

In a way we're glad that we didn't because we're really getting tired of pointing out the faults in people, it's time we recognize their successes...

We loved our anonymity with having a blog, but if you've followed along you'd know that Bear ruined that for us some time ago...

We were told a long time ago that we should move to Seattle, that it would be a perfect fit for a person like us, and that may have been so, a long time ago...

We were taught if you don't have anything nice to say about something not to say it all, so we'll go ahead and plead the 5th on what we think of Seattle...

We have though been to a lot of restaurants in Seattle for Breakfast and only one Restaurant gets a high mark in our opinion and that would be the High Point Café in BellTown...

We look at restaurants differently than most considering that we have had extensive experience with them, both working in them and eventually providing services for them, from Satellite Televisions, HI FI Equipment, closed circuitry cameras, POS Systems and Administration services...

Most people think that a restaurant is based off of how fast your order comes out, and sorry folks, but this is the wrong approach to judge any restaurant...

Fast Food joints have spoiled the art of cuisine by providing low end products and low end prices, and sure there is a time and place in everyone's life for those types of joints, but hopefully you outgrow them...

This is the High Point Café in BellTown experience for us, it's a perfectly preserved true American hole in the wall type atmosphere that will rock your socks...

To us in order to accurately analyze a "perfect" breakfast location you need to keep it simple and stick with the basics all breakfast restaurants provide and that would be Biscuits and Gravy...

If a restaurant can't provide one of the most practical, simple complexities of providing the right biscuit, with the right textured gravy proves to us that they don't care about their food...

High Point Café has the best Biscuits and Gravy we have had anywhere in Washington State thus far and that is why we recommend that you try them...

The service is not the fastest at High Point Café, nor is it the friendliest, but that's the atmosphere you are in, and to us that's the essence of their success, by being true to themselves...

If you look around people are engaged in conversation, dressed the way that makes them feel comfortable and believe it when we tell you that the crowd that they serve wouldn't stand for it if the food didn't make up for what you can't get there...

The restaurant also gets high ratings from us due to their attention to detail and even though the food took awhile didn't matter because the server knew who's food was who's and everything was cooked to perfection and the plates weren't too hot from sitting under a heat lamp for too long...

We loved the High Point Café and give it a 5 star rating, but it's not for everybody, only those who appreciate good conversation, good food at a good value...

That's it for the heart of Seattle, nothing else stands out other than bad service, rude service, bad pricing, bad presentation, lack of imagination, small portions, high prices and runny gravy...

sidenote: we're only rating breakfast establishments here...

West Seattle is where the Heart of Seattle lives in our opinion and there is where you'll find two restaurants that we found worth going to, but we'll only mention one...

sidenote: Okay Okay, we'll mention the other one, but we didn't like it too much, but our friend did, it was Be's Café, there we said it...

The Luna Park Café is our new favorite breakfast place to go to in West Seattle...

Another hole in a wall Gem of a Restaurant with a lot of history behind it, so they have a lot to live up to...

Parking is horrible, but that's Seattle get used to it, and typical hole in the walls usually have bad parking...

The place is dog friendly which makes it like a petting zoo atmosphere that always inspires people to bring their kids...

We don't always get the Biscuits and gravy anymore because we want to try what they are famous for to see if they live up to their own standards...

The atmosphere is a little too much 50's cliché with the black and white tile floors, old paraphernalia and a bit run down in our opinion and could use a little work to the outside...

Technically we like the Black and White tiled floors, it's just the décor that is off in this place and doesn't represent the era that that this restaurant should represent and is a bit hodgepodge of era's thrown together, really confusing on what they are trying to portray...

What we did like about this place is their creativity with the menu that we have never seen before...

They have a Pile a Hobo and Omelet style serving that in our opinion adopts the very nature of how people like to eat their food...

The Pile is for people that like a layered look with their food, the Hobo was truly unique of mixing all the food together in a frittata style which was done absolutely perfect and of course the standard Omelet look...

You then choose from the standard ways of ordering your traditional breakfast like western, greek, cheddar etc. and they provide the presentation you are accustomed to by making it for you...

The place is very popular, obvious regulars frequent the establishment and people have a happy nature about them here...

This is not a place for stuffed shirt type people or people that are naggy or in a hurry, not that they couldn't cater to them, it's just not the type of people that patrons of this restaurant want to have ruin the experience for them...

Prices are fair, and that's saying a lot for Seattle, so if compared to the high cost of living the Government forces on businesses here, we would say they are more than fair when it comes to portions and prices...

We give Luna Café a 5 in Menu Creativity, but a 4 in business upkeep because what we see missing in this restaurant is love, something is missing at this place and something has been lost along the way, but has potential and that's why we recommend it...

We've been to a lot of places in Seattle and not that we've been to all of them, it's just none of them stand out as much as these two restaurants did in our Opinion (High Point and Luna Café)...

Life outside of Seattle does exist, believe it or not :-D and we would like to mention another Restaurant in Tacoma called Marcia Silver Spoon Café...

First of all we need to mention that they DO NOT take credit cards, so bring cash or check, cash preferred ;-)

This restaurant is in a league of their own and defy the bad parking hole in the wall stigma that most hole in the wall places are plagued with...

Plenty of parking because most of the businesses around them have been closed, one of the saddest looking districts we have seen yet in Washington, but where they lack they make up for in Quality and Value...

We went with one of the signature items that was UNBELIEVABLE from concept to table and you will not finish this in one sitting and if you do you'll regret it for sure...

The Silver Spoon Scramble is a piece of art that they take a lot of pride making and take a lot of time making as well, so don't expect it in 10 minutes or less, no way no how, so sit back relax and enjoy one another's company...

Although this is one of their signature meals, it's not what they are famous for and that would be for all you Country Fried Steak eaters out there that need to try this meal on for size...

HUGE Portion, moderately priced and anyone who eats it is astounded by the flavor, so we'll go on to say that we're sure the gravy is done right, it looks right on the plate ;-)

What we didn't like about this place is that they cleaned the dishes in the front of house, which is a bit tacky in our opinion and sadly we think that they were washing the silverware by hand because we never saw the silverware go into a Dishwasher, so have a glass of water and make sure your forks and spoons are clean first before you eat...

sidenote: Take that extra space you have in the back and extend it for a proper dishwasher station...

Another place that is a bit of a fixer upper, but presentation is awesome, the fruit was fresh with a Kitchen Staff that obviously loves what they do, because the flavor and presentation of their food reflected it...

We rate their food a 5, but we give the place a 3 because they need to liven it up a bit and move the dish cleaning to the back of house where it's supposed to be...

When you go out to eat, you're taking a risk by default, because the tables are cleaned with an overused towel, you're not sure where the food comes from originally and you are counting on the fact that they take pride in their job enough to make sure you don't get sick from what they serve...

Another problem that still exists in the restaurant business is the splitting of the check...

The way we work around this due to this antiquated inconvenience is either one person pays for everyone's meal or two people pay for everyone's meal...

We also like to invite new people to our Breakfast club, but in order to be invited you have to choose the restaurant, but they don't have to pay because they are your guest...that's the rules ;-)

The restaurant can break up a check 4 ways, but they cringe at breaking it up at all and nothing ticks off a server more then when you have to split a check, and this shouldn't be...

We have a starving population of Algorithm makers out there that can handle this outdated model in their sleep...

Currently in a restaurant, that's not emphasized anymore, is the Pivot point system and that a table is counted from 1 to whatever, which provides the server a starting point when food is served...

Nothing makes a restaurant owner/manager cringe more then when a server or a runner uses the Role Call method to serve the food...

Example: Who had the, and who had the, and who had the type methodology of serving the food...

People rarely remember what they ordered, but they do know how they wanted it cooked, so this is very important to get it right because if you switch up two steaks one medium rare and the other medium, you'll be having to comp the check by the time it's all over...

The exception to the rule is the Party of 8 or more, because gratuity is automatically calculated into the bill and typically party's of this size always have one person paying anyway...

sidenote: Not that it couldn't be done, it's just etiquette and yes, the pivot point system is definitely mandatory in a party of this size or more...

The problem with today's standards of paying is that a lot of people don't carry cash with them anymore, so it's hard for customers to break up the bill by pulling out ones, tens and twenties...

It's easier with a Card and because of that it should be just as easy to pay the bill, and there is no reason this couldn't be done by implementing the pivot point system to extend to the customer...

They now have a kiosk at most restaurants and your table could be broken up by who ordered what by implementing the pivot point system and the customer pays their bill based on the position of the table they were sitting at...

They would press #1 they would verify their items and pay, then pass it on to the next person and each person would add a gratuity based on their meal...

This way not one person is getting stuck paying too much or groveling over how much they should tip...

If it were couples then simple, just include 1 & 2 together and 3 & 4 together to close out the order...

Or if the women sat together and the men sat together 1 & 3 and 2 & 4...

Anyway, this is also the reason why we became so impassioned about Seattle not having their own Omelet...

This is the problem with Most Big Cities, they're not hungry, so they lose that creativity needed for food...

In our Opinion the Universal Language is MMMmmmmm, which is known WORLDWIDE as the sign for Good Food...

That's why America doesn't have a lot of creative meals, it's because America has never been hungry...

Even a bum on the street can get a meal, but not in an impoverished city where people think about food all day long and never get it...

This is where the creativity in our opinion comes from, where people are starving and are being treated poorly by their Government because as we all know, Governments don't know how to provide...

If you want to bring people together you invite them to eat, because there is nothing and we repeat NOTHING in the World that can unite people faster and better than a good meal...and that's a fact!


Come to find out we were right...

The Local’s Guide to the Best Diners Across America chose "Luna Park Café" in west Seattle...

"Serving Piles - eggs on top of hash browns and toppings - and hobos - hash browns mixed in with the eggs - the Luna Park Café is doing something right putting all of the breakfast foods together instead of side by side." Hell, we could have told them that, oh yeah, WE DID ;-)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Wasteful Water Users...

Water is one of those resources that we can't afford to waste AT ALL, and yet people still don't get it...
Britain is behind the Manicured Lawn campaign and thinks that everyone should have acres and acres of grass to water every day...
It's a stupid idea and shows a lack of creativity and ingenuity and leaves little for the imagination which results in stupidity...
If we aren't thinking of better ways to improve our surroundings our minds aren't working which doesn't do anything for our intellect and leaves too much time to complain about non-sensible topics...
It's okay to have a little patch of grass mixed in with a Zero Scape landscape, or a home garden...
Plus the way people water their lawns is incorrect, they think by sticking a sprinkler system in and timing it is the best method to use, but it's not at any time of the day...
Water evaporates on hot surfaces so by the time it gets to the drain most of the water has been lost...
Plus, we love the lawns that are outside of most homes that take 5 minutes to mow...
They buy this 300 dollar mower to mow a little patch of grass that accounts for nothing and adds to the carbon footprint or if electric just adds to your electric bill and accomplishes nothing...
Plus they've gotten so lazy that they don't even attach the bag to the mower which ends up spreading whatever weed seed they have on to other lawns, like the dandelion...
sidenote: Want to stop dandelions from spreading, stop spreading the seed and attach the bag...
Water is so precious and Oil companies are the biggest contributors to the waste and destruction of this supply...
Corn based fuel is HUGE waste, it takes 10 times the amount of water to create one barrel of fuel, compared to just using oil from the ground...
However, most people know this and that is why we are going to Electric automobiles and when they make a cooler car at a lower price people will begin to trade in their carbon machines...
Anyway, back to lawns...
Get rid of your Lawn, it's a waste of resources, but if you're too stubborn and ignorant lazy or a combination of all, at least learn how to water your lawn correctly...
A Lawn Irrigation system is the best way to water your lawn using a submersion or underground technique to get to the root of the lawn which prevents evaporation...
An underground irrigation system can be setup on a timer so you can have the luxuries you are accustomed to without the barbaric way of lawn watering...
"Some types of grasses do not need to be irrigated year-round.  For instance, warm-season grasses go dormant during the cool winter months.  During this time, irrigation is not only not necessary, irrigating when a turf is dormant can cause it to rot, or allow weed seeds to germinate. Proper lawn irrigation techniques go a long way toward maintaining a healthy lawn.  Be sure to tailor your lawn irrigation plan to the specific type of turfgrass in your yard for best results."
We only have one earth and maybe there are other planets out there that they aren't telling us about, but you can rest assured that even if they do tell us about another planet, they won't be taking us...and that's a fact!

Change WiFi Password in WIndows 10...

Windows left Control panel, but removed certain options for some odd reason, so now when you go to your network properties you won't see "manage wireless networks" anymore...


So, they've hidden it for you just to make things fun :-) love the process, love the process, love the process...

To Change your password on your Wifi go to > settings from start menu > manage WiFi Settings, now scroll down to find your SSID network name and select it, now choose remove...

This will remove the profile altogether, now scan for your network, click connect and reapply or insert your new password and connect...

Happy Computing ;-)

They Can't See You...

The Industry is going BACK to phone support which is great considering there is a war on cars nowadays...

However, people have lost the art of communication due to the texting junkies of the digital age...

When you are on the phone you can't hashtag something and you can't send an emoji while you are using the conventional telephone to telephone type connection...

So it helps that you use, wait for it...w-o-r-d-s, used from your, wait for it...m-o-u-t-h...

It's a new concept to Millennials and has never been tried before and of course the X-Gen and Baby Boomers think that this knowledge is inherited somehow just by birth...

nonononono, they have to be taught all over again, second verse same as the first sort of cliché...

Example: We ordered a to go order by, wait for it...p-h-o-n-e, which is not commonly used to much anymore considering that you can just order online...

Fortunately we have worked in computers long enough to know that these sites aren't secure, neither is wireless so on and so forth, so phone is the safest bet...

sidenote: NSA might be listening ;-) we noticed that while we were giving the order they weren't repeating it back to us, and with digital phone technology without this you think you've lost connection because digital is so clear...

People can't see you nodding on the phone, nor can they see you pressing digital keys on a kiosk either and there is no eye to eye contact to reaffirm that they are listening to you...

So it's real simple: all you have to do is say one little tiny word, wait for it...o-k-a-y...

Example: Yes I would like the XYZ Burger, okay, and fries, okay and a drink...okay...

Remember we have to start simple, baby steps so stick with just getting an okay out of them at first and then once they've mastered that move on to some adjectives and conjunction phrases...

Example: Yes I would like the XYZ Burger, Good Choice, would you like fries with that, I sure would, I would also like a drink with that as well, sounds good...

You then follow up by repeating the order to them to make sure you got the right order, that way you don't look stupid when the customer comes in expecting something else...

In time you'll learn how to UP sell them while they are giving their order, but let's not move too fast, just start with the okay for now and let's see how you do, okay...


You can always tell when someone has been in an industry too long or they just don't like what they are doing...

We don't blame the millennials for how they turned out because they are a product of their environment and they are just the result, remember, there is no such thing as a bad student, just bad teachers...

Another problem that people have been taught is that if you're having a bad day they spread that bad day on anyone that comes in contact with them...

We don't understand this and never have understood this trait in people, but we see it quite often and maybe the server/bartender that brought us our order was having a bad day...

First of all there was no smile, just a chin up with a curious look on their face that resembles the "WhatsUp" emoji or the "How Can I help You" emoji...

No words, just a grimace, pinched nose and piercing eyes, so we told them we were there to pick up a To Go order and they replied, what's the name, but they didn't ask us our name on the phone so we told them we didn't leave a name...

This upset the person, and a sigh came over them, then an even stronger tone followed up by asking, what did you order...

We told them and sure enough our order was ready and the server told us the amount and reached out their hand for our payment...

As they were processing our payment we were looking through the bag to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything and we noticed that they didn't include any ranch dressing, so we asked them could we get some ranch please...

Now this is just icing on the cake of the type of personality we have been working with to begin with and instead of saying, oh, no problem just a second I will get that for you, nonononono, they replied with, that's gonna take awhile...

That's gonna take awhile we thought to ourselves, to get an already portioned out plastic ramekin of ranch dressing from the salad station that all servers have access to...

Little do they know we have extensive knowledge of how restaurants work from the Front of the House all the way to the Administration offices ;-)...

Plus who tells a customer that it's going to take awhile in a restaurant, especially something as frivolous as a side of ranch...

Sure, a well done steak might get the response of that might take awhile, but a side of ranch...

It wasn't until they knew we were leaving when they "finally" smiled and said, have a good day...

In other words, they were more happy that we were leaving then placing the order to begin with which is pretty much every where you go nowadays...

sidenote: Since you see it almost everywhere, it's not worth mentioning the name of this restaurant...

The person that helped us was an X-Gen, not a millennial, so what type of lesson does this teach to a striving up and coming 20 something just getting out into the workforce...

It teaches them how not to treat people, and that just because they're not doing what they want to be doing, doesn't give them the right to treat people with disrespect...

Will we go there again, of course, we love the food and if we have learned one thing from the restaurant business is that you do not piss off the people that handle your food...

...and yes, you still tip them even on a To Go Order, typically 15% because they don't do much work other than putting the ketchup and napkins in the bag, but 20% is not unheard of...

So will we continue to be treated like we do, yeah, because we get our food to go and we can handle just a few moments of their rudeness...

It keeps the skin tight and the responses humble, which is good because most of us have a job to go to and it conditions us for the people we have to work with on a day to day...

If you go around looking at the world in rose colored glasses all the time it's because you've never worked a day in your life...and that's a fact!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Homelessness Cont...

Another mistake that cities are making is that they are allowing homeless people to settle...

What this means is that you are allowing them to take control of an area, populate it and allow it grow and fester before you do anything about it and by the time you do it's a jungle...

Politics allow stagnation to happen because one side opposes another side and nothing ever gets done because nobody can agree with one another on how to solve anything...

You have to take the politics and emotions out of the mix in order to solve your homeless problem and treat it like you would a business...

The best paradigm that you currently have is a system you built :-D it's called incarceration or jail for short...

In a typical jail system they set up what they like to call a "Horseshoe" system, where they continually move the inmates from one cell to another...

The reason they do this is for a few reasons, one is to keep the population moving towards a goal, either temporary/permanent housing or simply to just clean the cell out...

They continually move people throughout the night and day never allowing them to settle, never allowing them to fester, never allowing them build relationships...

You have to use the practices you use today in order to solve the homeless problem...

Just like a jail, you have to keep the cell clean of human waste and in order to do this correctly you have to move them out of the way in order to clean the area properly and efficiently...

Just like a jail, you have one facility to work with, so you create encampments around the city that you can manage and move people from one encampment to another at a moments notice...

All you're doing is shifting one group of people to another location while moving another group into that location to keep it occupied and moving constantly...

You also have to split up the groups in order to refrain from people organizing within the encampments to keep people from getting too cozy with one another...

sidenote: Just because we have to say, keep the families together...

Just like jail, you'll need to keep them in the open so they can be seen at all times, make sure the spaces they move into are not covered...

The goal is to get them into permanent housing or allow them to bail themselves out sort of speak from the current situation of the "Horseshoe" program...

Just like a Jail, if they aren't able to either bail themselves out, or there sentencing/conditions prevent them from leaving the facility they're put into temporary housing where they have what they call 3 hots and a cot...

Just like jail, once they have this temporary housing they are able to better themselves with a library, social interaction, a job service to keep them busy and to make them feel like they are a part of a collective...

Once they have done their time they are allowed to be on their own and if they fail, they know that they'll be going back to the horseshoe and the process will start all over again until either they get it right or they don't...

If they don't they'll have an option for that as well, they move them to the BIG HOUSE, Prison or they die or a combination of both...

Remember, you can't save them all, but you can't sit around doing nothing either...

This horseshoe process has to happen once a week by moving them around and around like a merry go round and constantly cleaning, taking a tally of people, asking questions, keeping them alert and unsettled...

If you run it like you do in jail cells already you'll discourage people enough to enable them to help themselves...

We are all fallible, and it takes some people longer than others to figure things out, but by sitting on your hands and playing politics and bouncing texts back and forth to each other blaming the other for yelling at them (Sally Bagshaw) and putting your sensitive feelings first will gain you nothing but finger pointing with a backed up toilet...

Politicians are more of a Bum than the people living on the street, so get to work Politicians and start earning your 6 figure salaries and quit acting like a bunch of spoiled rotten brats!

There is no fast solution to homelessness and the addictions people have that put them in a homeless situation, because as we've said before you can't focus on the drug nor can you demonize the drug or the drug user...

Recently we read a story about a homeless person that spent 11 years on the streets before they found housing and are now 8 months into their new place with a new found hope...

This person is 58 years old and was recently saved by a system that is being used in the San Francisco area called The Navigation Center...

This is the end of the horseshoe type solution that is needed in order for the person to collect themselves, have a safe place to keep their possessions, a place to shower, a laundry facility and a place to sleep other than the street...

It also shows you that it's a faster solution for people then what they have been used to because if it wasn't for this type of solution 11 years could have been 22 years or until the streets swallowed them up...

Good Luck and GOD Bless.

The Signs of Senility...

Difficulty Finding the Right Words...


Subtle Short-Term Memory Changes...

Being Repetitive...

Decreased or Poor Judgment...

Changes in mood and personality...

Physical Differences...

The Presidential nominees have become a Kardashian Reality...and that's a fact!

You can bet that Hillary Clinton would be working her ass off the first couple of years in the White House because it's not going to be easy getting featured in Better Homes and Gardens...

What do the Clintons and Kardashians have in Common...They both have become successful off the coattail of an unresolved murder...coincidence...

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Stock Watch...

US Concrete Inc. (NASDAQ: USCR)
64.57 ▲ 0.11 (0.17%)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Battle of the Toilet Seat has begun...

Okay MEN, you know what you have to do...
Women want equal rights as long as they don't have to sacrifice anything to get it, and that is the lifting of the toilet seat when they are done...
What they don't understand is that the Men not only have to put the toilet seat down, they have to pick it back up again then put it down again to appease the women...
The women don't do anything but complain that we didn't put it back down for them and "Real Men" are not going to sit down and pee...
So, the battle has begun...
So Men, just put down the seat once and for all and let it go, and you know what we mean, just aim as best as you can and leave it down...
Maybe after the women get tired of sitting on a wet seat they'll begin to compromise and put the seat back up when they are done, but until they do Men...let it pee, let it pee, let it peeeee...
It reminds us of a song...

Words to live by...

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever... Aristophanes

...even a fool has the ability to aspire... -V-

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Marijuana Lies Cont...

They just came out with two reports...

We'll reverse the order and come out with the second report first, because it will be easier to cover...

The journals of medicine have found out that long term smoking of marijuana can cause gum disease, because, this is where it gets interesting...because people "forget" to brush their teeth...

So what they are saying here is that marijuana makes you forgetful, but if you don't brush your teeth you'll develop gum disease...

So as it is true you lose your short term memory "while" smoking you should set a reminder on your smartphone to brush your teeth to prevent gum disease ;-)

The first report that came out was awhile ago that reported that crime was down due to the recreational stores opening up, but there is a problem...

With crime being down and less underground deals going on the funding for law enforcement has gone down as well and this is a problem they said...

So now they are pushing back on opening up Recreational Stores because of this issue and are unsure of what the future holds for law enforcement if there is no crime to stop...


They have also said that they aren't charging enough in taxes on marijuana and are thinking of raising the 30% higher to increase their revenue...

In other words, it shows everyone who the true criminal is now that people have a safe outlet to curb their anxieties and painful aches...

They say if you want to find the corruption just follow the money, well stop no further then, Scott Kubly (Seattle Department of Transportation), Seattle City Council, Ed Murray (Mayor of Seattle) and last and the very least...Jay Inslee (Governor of Washington State)...and that's a fact!
Verifiable Data can be found here...
Just a Theory and a Gut Feeling, but why do you think the state is going after Troy Kelley so it because he has something on one or all of the people mentioned above? Troy Kelley is the State Auditor for Washington State, maybe these people are afraid of what he knows...
No rational juror could have concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Kelley took any property...

There is a third lie, and why is it that things come in threes? Is it that we can't count to four...

Anyway, the third lie is that they say that the marijuana related traffic incidents have increased since the legalization of recreational marijuana...

This is not true, due to the fact that they never tested for Marijuana before, it's only been since the legalization of Recreational Marijuana have they began testing...

This is a blood drawn test and law enforcement never had the ability, equipment, budget or patience to do blood drawn tests in the past...

Blood drawn tests were only done for injury/fatality related incidents due to the budget restraints and proper testing equipment available...

They have only recently started to require blood drawn tests because they can convict a person with trace elements of THC in the system, regardless if they were under the influence at the time of the incident...

They are now exploiting the fact that Marijuana can stay in the system for up to 90 days depending on the frequency of use...

This is $$$ for the law enforcement agency and considering that lie #1 has decreased in revenue for the state they need to make up for the lost revenue by convicting on false positives...

Money doesn't make the world go round, a perpetual balance keeps the World spinning and when that balance is interrupted the bough will break and the cradle will fall...and that's a fact!
More Verifiable data that Government lies...
A Paid Political Liar...

Friday, June 3, 2016

How to recover your deleted data/pictures...

Many times you will accidentally delete your data, either by hitting the delete key or losing your data to a quirky GoPro studio crashing problem with Windows 10...
First and Foremost don't panic, this is an easy problem to recover from...

First: Try holding down your ctrl key and the letter Z, if that doesn't work, go to the next step...
Second: check your trash, it might be there, but if the file was too big for the trash it might not be there...
Third: Just open your file explorer, and go to your recent folder under users; once there find your user name and open that folder and look for AppData, if you don't see it, do the following:
- Windows 10 go to File Change Folder and search option/view now put a mark in Show hidden files, folders and drives under Hidden Files and Folder, now hit apply/ok
- Window 7 go to organize then follow the above...
You will now see AppData open it up, now go to roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent Items double click Viola there is your folder/files you just deleted and you saved yourself an outrageous service bill...

sidenote: It may ask if you would like to restore your data to desktop, just say yes, then move the files/folder where they need to be.
One thing that is very important when you delete your data is to not wait to recover your files and do not continue to work on your computer because you will overwrite your files and then you'll have to use a recovery program, which is a step you can prevent if you just follow the above method...
As for the GoPro quirky studio program with Windows 10, consider using VLC player instead...

Another note to mention is that Microsoft can turn off Delete Confirmation, and considering that everyone has been used to this feature being turned on can cause you to delete your files accidentally...

If you aren't getting confirmations when you delete a file and you want to enable this feature, just right click on your Recycle Bin and go to properties, once there put a check mark in "Display delete confirmation dialog" box...