Saturday, May 14, 2016

Windows 7 Updates are Slowwww...

We have noticed that updating windows 7 machines has become quite a chore lately...

We thought at first that our internet provider was throttling our downloads, but that didn't make sense because we could download and stream w/out issue...

We thought something was wrong with the router, we thought something was wrong with DNS, we thought we were imagining the whole thing :-D but we weren't...

We took to the net to see if anyone else was experiencing the same issue and found out that people are:

Is Microsoft "Forcing the Hand" are they trying to make people's lives so miserable with Windows 7 that they are "Forced" to update to Windows 10...

Look Everybody the Grass is so much greener over here with Windows 10, come and join us, it's freeeeeeeee...

It would make sense to us if they are using force tactics considering that they were updating computers to Windows 10 without the consent of the owner...

There's a word for that, hmmm, oh yeah A**HOLES!!!

Even the Surface Pro 4 is built on Intel which isn't ARM capable, just a 6th generation processor that are used in PC's, no technological marvel, so what's the hurry MS...

Computers are already running on 6th Gen processors, and running fine we might add, plus Windows 10 has a retro feel and emulates Windows 7, so what's the hurry MS...

MS is starting to act really weird, desperate in fact, which is an uneasy feeling that makes people feel uncomfortable...

MS you gotta chill, you gotta stop acting the like the freak in the van handing out free candy to kids, it's really weird behavior that your exhibiting...

Don't you know, haven't you heard, the best way to move a product is the softsell and the takeaway close...and that's a fact!

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