
Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Message to President Obama...

Mr. President, you've just recently asked to borrow 1.9 billion dollars to combat the Zika Virus and were turned down...

sidenote: Did you know that the bulk of viruses that are coming to the US are from immigrants? It's because the only health care system they know of consists of a saw blade and a bottle of booze and the booze is only for the lucky ones...

You then used the approach that all politicians use and that is the, what about the children campaign and/or the women campaign and a combination of the two, the women and their children campaign...

What about the Men Mr. President, politicians never seem to mention the men in any of their speeches, you know the men Mr. President, the people that built this country...

Now we know that the Women and Children have helped in shaping this World and deserve just as much credit as the men do, but that's not the point...

The point is Mr. President is that you promised to change the way our Country has been ran and that you wouldn't fail in doing so, but you didn't...

As a matter of fact you have created more problems for our country, lowered our credit rating status and have increased our national debt by almost 10 Trillion Dollars...

You have doubled the debt that Two Presidents before you created all on your own, doubled the debt by yourself Mr. President, and now you want to borrow 1.9 billion dollars...more...

You're what they call in the banking industry a "High Risk" because you have no collateral, a poor credit rating, and a poor history of paying back loans...

See Mr. President, the Citizens of America know how to put back in what they take out even if all they got is what they have on their backs...

The housing bubble is going to burst, they're giving loans on houses that are valued over three times what they're worth, Seattle is a perfect example of this...

The proposed health care plan you implemented has been a complete failure, high deductibles, high premiums, low returns for Private Insurance providers, a poor roll out, and worse yet, you implemented a taxation without representation...

We believed in you that you could change the way Government treated its citizens, but you didn't and have failed miserably...

Sure, you might be a nice guy to sit down with and talk with or play a round of golf with, but that's it...

You have nothing to be proud of and should be ashamed of what you have done to this country and should be discharged from office dishonorably...and that's a fact!
The lies continue with the Obama Administration about "Affordable Healthcare" and now United Health Group is pulling out of 36 states
UNH UnitedHealth 137.29 -1.90 -1.37% 4,475,066 +16.70%
"We'll have a better idea of what sort of premium inflation to expect later this summer, but it's sure looking as if we're on the precipice of the biggest jump in individual healthcare premiums in more than a decade"

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