Saturday, April 30, 2016

Webroot Update...

YEAH! A customer has provided us a version of their Webroot software to test YEAH!

So we removed MSE and loaded Webroot and right away we had a problem, and that was the Spybot Anti-Beacon software that we had loaded on our system...

We are testing with a very modest Windows 7 32 bit machine, 4gb or ram, NVIDIA GT 740, ASUS P5QL VM-DO board (when they were good) and an Intel E8400 3.0 6mb cache dual Core CPU, if you didn't know, and because of the high CPU issue caused by Spybot Anti-Beacon we uninstalled it...

When testing you have to remove items in order to make sure that they are truly the problem or if it's a conflict with another program causing that program to fail...

The High CPU usage did go down, but it hasn't been as smooth of an experience as we've had with MSE and DW together...

We have loved the Marriage between DW and MSE and other than the now past problem with DW and dllhost error, we have always maintained low CPU and Memory functions...

Spybot Anti-Beacon is more effective for Windows 10 in our opinion due to the incredible amount of tracking that Microsoft has incorporated into that Operating System, so Windows 7 won't miss it as much as 10 would...

Currently we're running a little higher than we've been before on the CPU around 20-30% while watching videos opposed to the 10% that we had with MSE and DW...

Memory is also a bit higher running around 1.36gb opposed to 1.2gb, but has spiked a few times to 2.5gb and caused explorer to stop responding, was recoverable without IE closure, but there was an interruption and a refresh was all that was needed to recover the video...

The system has become more stable after what we would think was an updating process that programs go through, so more than likely it was just the initial install, but again, MSE and DW never experienced that problem at all...

We're keeping an eye on it and will update if we have any failures or we decide to bring back Spybot to start disabling telemetry services to see if that was the issue with the incredible 100% spike we experienced...

Chrome still insists on being problematic for us regardless of Webroot being installed or not, and doesn't play well with others, IE and Chrome opened together caused lag in the tabbed browsing...

sidenote: Chrome doesn't have to be open in order to experience lag in Tabbed Browsing...

We would also like to note that we are leaning toward DW on the lagged Tabbed Browsing for two reasons:

1. We have never experienced lag in Tab Browsing with Webroot, regardless of our limited experience with it...

2. We have experienced lag in Tab Browsing with DW before, but was an earlier problem with DW, but with the two together seems to bring this to the forefront again...


Tab Browsing is back to normal after continued use w/or w/out Chrome open, CPU has decreased to 10% while watching video, but memory is still a bit higher and now running at 1.5gb-1.79gb, but IE is stable...

CPU can fluctuate from 10% and will return to 20-30% and sometimes 40%, but IE is still stable and video performance is unaffected, but memory still at 1.79gb regardless of CPU drop/raise...


Second Reboot and 4 hours later watching Video, memory has stabilized at 1.14gb; CPU fluctuates from 0 - 30 % in video mode and 24% - 60% during advertisements, but stabilizes when video returns to 0 - 30%, but average CPU frequency stays primarily 14% and under and Tab Problem is gone...

We'd say that DW and Webroot are compatible...Next Test is to bring back Spybot Anti-Beacon...


Browsing web pages has gotten extremely difficult with the two programs loaded, not that it's easy to browse webpages anymore with the amount of ads they put in their webpages, but it's definitely painfully that :-D...

The slowness is most notable in tabbed browsing...

We need time to troubleshoot, but in the meantime for 32 bit, you'll need to make a choice, either stay with the cheaper faster solution of MSE and DW and stay reactive, or go Webroot and be proactive...


Well we have found the problem between DW and Webroot and the crashing of Google Chrome. Chrome is still a pig of a Browser with Resources, but it no longer crashes and tabbed browsing is fixed...

Jason Mraz - It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday...


We found a response from Webroot regarding DefenseWall...
Answer from support: "WSA and DefenseWall are both doing what they're designed to be doing. DefenseWall blocks communication with Webroots DLL's, so there is not much that Webroot can do. There is also no way to stop this in DW's options, so if you want to use DW and WSA together, you can't use the Web Shield."

What is Webshield for Webroot: "Blocks known threats encountered on the Internet and displays a warning. The Web shield maintains information on more than 200 million URLs and IP addresses to comprise the most accurate and comprehensive data available for classifying content and detecting malicious sites."

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