Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Webroot Update...

We are moving forward with Webroot as our New Malware Solution...

Updating our networks and individuals with Webroot and DefenseWall only...

We're currently running MSE and DW but don't recommend anyone else do it, go to Webroot as soon as you can afford it...

DefenseWall is compatible with Webroot and is complimentary, but DW only works in 32 bit for now which a lot of people don't have...

64 bit is what's used primarily these days and DefenseWall 64 is still pending...

We are closer to solving the dllhost 50% error and current (beta) build is holding steady...

We'll upgrade to Webroot as soon as someone gives us a license, so for now we'll be reactive, but you can be proactive by upgrading to Webroot TODAY!!!

Webroot SecureAnywhere® Internet Security Complete...

sidenote: You need to uninstall your current malware program before installing Webroot. Do not enable the Webroot Toolbar NO TOOLBARS FOR IE EVER!!! We read it's just a password vault...

Encryption is something we're dabbling with, but nothing definitive yet for PC for us, we are currently testing VeraCrypt

Disk Cleanup and CCleaner are still approved for cleaning up your system, disk cleanup will remove your Windows 7 or 8 recovery option if you upgraded to Windows 10...

In other words if you run Disk Cleanup you'll remove your opportunity to go back to whatever you upgraded from if Windows 10 doesn't work out for you...

Do not use MSE with Webroot, they're not compatible with one another, as a matter of fact do not use MSE AT ALL!!!

sidenote: Goodbye MBAM, yes uninstall Malwarebytes. You need to contact in order to cancel the automatic payment on your Credit Card.

Learn how to secure your browsers because by design they are wide open, so find some instructional videos for the browser you use...

You should have a battery backup on your computer and should be left on 2 weeks at a time, and always clean your system before rebooting with CCleaner and or Disk Cleanup...

Happy Computing...

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