Monday, March 28, 2016

The Apple Encryption case dropped...

The FBI said they have dropped the case against Apple because of a third party involvement that discovered a way around the encryption...

sidenote: We heard that John McAfee offered to help...could you imagine :-O

They are being secretive about it as well, but not sure why because more than likely the third party was Syed Rizwan Farook's fingerprint :-D

Either way, it shows that they don't enhouse the talent anymore...

Way to stand your ground Apple, but you know that the Govt. picks it's battles carefully, you can bet it's not over yet...

You know back in the day, it was a proud honor to be the one that showed the government something that helped them with national security, but not anymore...

You say you have improved your relationship with the people, but obviously you haven't...and that's a fact!

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