
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Here's an Idea...

You cities that have a failing bike share system should try moving your bikes to the terminals of the train stops...

You would also have them at your bus stops as well...

Try to limit the buses to the Train Stops by the furthest one out while leaving short distances to the bikes, this way you sort of...force them on the bike ;-)

You could also provide incentive for businesses to host pronto bike stations at their businesses which might motivate people to use them more...

They could peddle to their next stop and so forth...

They could take it one step further and have bike trailers connected to bikes to help in carrying their load...

Maybe even have a pickup service to go to the house to pick up bikes if customers want to use them to do daily runs w/out having to take them back to the "bike rack"...

Or you could start bringing them closer to the homes and have a bike rack neighborhood friendly conveniently located rental station...

To make this ALL work you'll need to have county and city buses run on the same schedules, which currently city and counties are not doing...

They are worried about revenue, which is admirable, but you need to work together and by doing so, you can create a cheaper solution...

This is the problem now, nobody is talking to one another, schedules are all off and nobody is happy all the while taking millions of taxpayers dollars...

Look it's as easy as adding a virtual site to a Master Web page, plus you would be able to see what everyone else can see while navigating your own grid...

County and State have control over their buses, but would only be able to view all bus/train grids throughout the state...

In other words, to provide security for the cities and counties you would have read only privileges on services outside of your network...

The software itself would be able to analyze all the data after a manual submission that would coordinate bus schedules more consistent with all connections in all networks...

Good Luck ;-) you're gonna need it...and that's a fact!

...what can you think of...

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