Saturday, March 12, 2016

CEO Watch...

Margaret Cushing "Meg" Whitman aka. the "Hatchet"...

Well ol' Meg has sliced and diced and correlated HP like a Julian Slicer, but does she have the multi-tasking ability coupled with the technological savvy to compliment her organizational skillz...

She is definitely going to be either the largest failure any business has ever seen or the greatest success for sure...

She's already dwarfed HPQ (Headquarters) so it may be roses for HPE, but it's thorns for HPQ, which would make sense considering that HPQ is the "Male" side, HPE is Female ;-)

She's out to make it her own, so you better get on board, or put on your Gorgets cause it's hatchet time...and that's a fact!

sidenote: We're rootin' for ya' Meg...and that's another fact!

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