
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Microsoft's Updates, just keep on Updating...

As you know we usually turn off our updates through the month to prevent MS from updating our software at our expense.

So what we did is leave our updates on this past month to see if MS is still as sneaky as they have been in the past and we found out they still are...

MS decided to add the dreaded KB3035583 Windows 10 Nagware alert of UPDATE ME UPDATE ME...I'M FREEEEEEEE...

Look MS, we thought that since we didn't jump on the bandwagon you'd get the hint, but they're being pushy.

So if you don't want to have to uninstall something you didn't want to begin with just leave your updates off until the next month when you can pick and choose the updates you want.

There were two other updates included this month KB3118401 and KB3121255 under the optional updates...

KB3118401 - This article describes an update for Universal C Runtime (CRT) in Windows.
KB3121255 - "0x00000024" Stop error in FsRtlNotifyFilterReportChange and VSS backup of PI Data server fails in Windows.

Don't get us wrong, we are a Windows 10 advocate, but we're also a Windows 7 advocate as well and don't see the need to upgrade to W10 when W7 is working just fine.

Remember Microsoft? Don't fix what ain't broke ;-)...

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