Monday, February 22, 2016

Malware Software Changeup...

Microsoft Security Essentials can no longer be used on Windows 7 machines unless you are using DW.

If you are using MBAM (Malwarebytes) and MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) you should remove MSE and install MBAM's "Anti-Exploit.

This works in conjunction with MBAM Anti-Malware so just uninstall MSE, reboot, then install Anti-Exploit.

Your new yearly renewal will be 50 dollars a month as it stands now, but maybe MBAM will combine the two and discount it...

MSE and MBAM are not able to secure you properly by themselves anymore, and MSE is just not coming along due to MS wanting to dump Windows 7...

Security has changed because Malware has become very nasty and sure you might be able to remove today's threats, but it's going to cause some damage before you do, and will make you think twice about not reloading...

Kaspersky has the best software on the market and is priced aggressively for the protection it provides, but we are on the fence...

We have seen a change in the market for some time now and it's become serious enough to start rethinking protection.

Malware is a year to year solution and a 5 year solution and coincidentally enough we are at that 5 year mark and we see a new name in security...

32 bit Windows 7 machines DW and MSE, 64 bit Machines Windows 10 MBAM Anti-Malware/Exploit.

We support both the best of malware solutions and the best of end users to provide the total protection layers ;-)

Some people need a more aggressive software than others depending on what they are searching and loading on their machines.

Our Government doesn't employ the best of the best anymore, that's the private sector and because of this they have tied the hands of American developers, which leaves us vulnerable.

Your best Malware software doesn't come from America, it comes from Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Austria etc...

Current Testing:


Steven Thomas Lives...

There is one American company that has been added to our exception list and that is...Webroot.

Steven Thomas was to Webroot as Steve Jobs was to Apple and time will always tell if their influence can live on...and in both scenarios we can say that it has...

The Obama Administration ostensibly moved to limit the NSA’s powers but ultimately decided on a new program that would essentially just force telecommunications companies to keep metadata and supply it to the NSA on demand...

Most software already has a “golden key” backdoor: the system update...

sidenote: Stay Strong Tim Cook, we're behind you all the way...

From the days of Marantz Gold systems to the plush white of the Apple's iPad's and everything in between gives us the right to be a harsh critic.

Webroot has proved to us that they can survive on just a vision from a visionary and continue the dream that has now become reality.

Webroot is that American Company that can break the barriers that many are struggling with in America with Government oversight and because of this we also recommend Webroot.

We are even going as far as loading it on a small network to test for ourselves if their software is ready for real the dream becomes a reality...

Steven Thomas (born October 13, 1971 - July 14, 2008, age 36) Start rolling in your grave because your Webroot is on the riSE!!!


As we said, MBAM would come up with a Total Solution, and they have. It's for business, but you can load it on personal machines as well. 49.95 and includes all the best products of Malwarebytes...

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