Wednesday, February 3, 2016


The Drug isn't the problem, it's the solution and if you come between the two you'll now become the problem...

You can't solve the addiction by trading one drug for another and or by demonizing the drug. The best solution is allowing the drug to run its course.

This can take time and it might take their life in the end, but time and understanding is the only solution to solving your fears of the unknown for both you and the addict.

The current approach they are using to curb drug and homelessness problems are thinking that by giving them a home, or giving them training or giving them a job will cure them, but it doesn't.

Plus, you don't know the training they already have and could be considered an insult to some by offering them a 10.00 an hour job.

What you don't understand is that an addict has chosen a community that accepts them for who they are and treats them like family...

Once an addict always an addict in the eyes of those around them and regardless of them quitting or not, they will always be considered an addict...

...but the "community" would never call them an addict, as a matter of fact, they call them their friend while inviting them in to meet their family...

You could also create more problems by breaking up the only people that have accepted them for the person they are, which will create animosity and resistance.

There's an old saying, Serenity Prayer - "GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

So you see, it's best to support them the best way you know how while conditioning yourself for the times you have to let go...and that's a fact!


  1. Very well said. As a person who has successfully battled addiction and is very familiar with the Serenity Prayer, I agree 100%!!! Asus Al :-)
