Monday, November 30, 2015

Here's an Idea...

The current model for windows to open up is one upon the other, in need of improvement...

When you open up windows on your computer they always plop right down on top of the other page you are looking at.

If they have retina scanners now in computers they should be able to pick up where your eyes are looking at and have the app open up to the right, or top, shrink it to fit, remember settings/last pages viewed...etc.

This would be good for techs when they are working on an issue that requires them to open explorer to access their flash drive, or local drive w/e...

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Windows 10 Login Options...

Some people are noticing that they have two accounts to log into Windows 10 with, one is your name and the other is your email address.

There are three different passwords for these accounts, one is a local password that was used to create the user account, then your email password and finally a 4 digit pin number.

There's an old saying, don't put all your eggs in one basket, and Microsoft has done just that.

They're trying to keep it easy for people to remember their passwords by creating one profile for all logins, not a smart idea.

sidenote: They also are wanting you to be using your One Drive which requires a network password to do so, local accounts disables One Drive.

Sending your password over an unencrypted public network or even a private network can expose your credentials to a prepared predator.

What about your retina and password scan? Well those are great for getting in locally to your computer, but that's not how things are done anymore.

The other feature is the calendar that people can use, but it prefers Outlook/MSN/Hotmail accounts better due to sync.

Sync is used to keep your appointments attached to your email when you schedule an appointment, but that's about it.

If you answer your email on a home computer and a mobile device you'll notice that the folders don't sync up well. They'll either refresh completely, won't sync at all or it will stop working midway through.

Due to the security risk involved with using your email address as your login is enough for us to not recommend doing it that way.

Still use your retina and fingerprint scanners.

How to Disable Windows 10 Email Login...


Weird occurrence that we have seen in one of our systems was a user added their email address to the email tile in Windows Start Menu that created a new user login.

When the system rebooted there were two users, the Original User and the New User with the Email address login.

Now you log in with your email address and your email password, but you can change that under settings.

That's all and good, but what has happened is the original user can't be logged into...

It's requesting a password, but a password was never given to the account. However, it needs a password and none of them work...

Also can't see the account under users to make any changes to it, and all it wants to do is create another user, which hasn't been done, but considering it...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day...

"Meet the New Faces of Racists"

In the News we see a picture of "Remember where you Are, this is Native America"

New evidence supports the fact that Indians are defectors of Egypt, which makes sense when you think about it...

Their agricultural similarities, their structural similarities (Tents/Pyramids) and their worshiping similarities of praying to multiple gods for their water/air/land...

...and like Egypt, they too failed, possibly for praying to the wrong gods...

Or is this just something else to complain about with the Millennial's/Indians, first it was abolishing all of Christopher Columbus discoveries and now Thanksgiving.

We understand that Columbus didn't discover America, but he was an explorer and discovered many things throughout his life and should be remembered as such.

Thanksgiving is about Abe Lincoln's Proclamation of Thanksgiving to give peace to everyone to settle differences, grow and enjoy life.

Thanksgiving is about food and the Winter's Solstice is about the celebration for the harvest, in other words FOOD!

Families gather together the fruits of their labor and enjoy one another's company, just like the Indians Winter's Solstice.

There is no religious overtone to it, just family and friends getting together to give thanks for having a JOB! Whatever!

Since we don't have any other day that doesn't have some kind of controversy in it would you mind if we just had ONE F*CKING DAY OF PEACE!




Technically, Thanksgiving lasts 4 days and it always starts on the last Thursday of November. That's so everyone has a chance to be with family, because as we know it's always hard to get everyone together the same day. 4 days, then Monday you can go back to being an asshole ;-)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Green is the new Black...

Monsanto’s Spy Software to Control the Entire Agriculture Market...

Plan for an End Run around GMO Labeling...

GMOs Are 125 Times More Deadly Than Previously Thought...

Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA)...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Stock Watch...

Hewlett-Packard Co (NYSE: HPQ)
November 23, 5:45 PM EST
14.23 ▲ 0.17 (1.21%)

Everyone loves a little risk from time to time, that's why they built the roller coasters ;-)

5hVnz Song of the Month...

Glen Hansard - Paying My Way...

Once you stop testing for marijuana will you fix half of your homelessness problem, the other half of the half are the prideful that won't just do what it takes until the right thing comes along person.

The last half of the half is the most concerning and is in need of these services more than the others.

The last half of the half are the weakest of the weakest and need help from anyone that's not the weakest of the weak.

As for these refugees that need a place to go are people that are able to work, so a one year program to get them tested and going in the workplace. One Year TOPS!

All these welfare programs like food assistance, clothes etc. need to be available only for a year and in one year you'll be making and living in a wage that affords your needs.

As for your wants is something outside the scope of government assistance, but you need to have a job to go to before you quit.

The sad part about these refugees is that they are going to be moving to a place they didn't grow up in, and regardless of what is better or not, is not essential, it must be hard to be removed from the town you grew up in...

As for the rhetoric of America not wanting to lift up Assad is a moot point now, because you had your chance to take him out, but you didn't and Putin stepped in.

We are actually surprised at Putin's response to the situation in Syria and has done the right thing, and as for Iran joining them after signing a Nuclear Treaty with the US is non essential.

Sure Putin shot off a couple of rockets at their partner, woops, but hey, we all make mistakes, and as they say, "no harm no foul"

As for Assad is something you learn as you go along and that is sometimes you have to weigh your consequences from the remove replace program.

You're not sure what you're gonna get with the replacement and could be worse than what you have now, at least with Assad you know what you're working with until you do find the right replacement.

Oh yeah, you gotta go Assad, and that goes for you too ISIS, we know your heart is in the right place, but you have lost your way...and that's a fact!


The Latest Malware Update with Kaspersky is a GO! We recommend renewing your licenses and or buying this program for your machine. MBAM/MSE and DW/MSE DW/MBAM are still software's we support, but with Windows 10 we're looking at just Defender on a few systems. Yep, just securing the software as much as possible and using only Defender, we'll see...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Homelessness cont...

Well Governor Jay Inslee just cannibalized two park rangers positions to fund the homeless campaign and now driving it up to almost 13,000 dollars spent on "each" homeless person a year.

sidenote: ...and now they want to give them free College???WAWAWAWAAAT!!!

The disconnect between the private sector and the public sector is semantics, not disagreement.

People have their own way of solving a problem, but either way you slice it there is only one correct answer in the end, and if the end justifies the means, then so be it...

The politicians think that money will solve problems and if you don't have money you'll know that money won't solve the problems, it'll only enhance the problems.

On the street people have a choice with their money, either pay the rent or invest, which is the same for the people with money, it's just picking the best investment with the least amount of risk that'll decide your outcome.

On the Street people know that money will either solve their problems or kill their problems and politicians think the same way, believe it.

Programs need to be setup on a Time To Live structure that lasts just long enough to get people on the right path, but they're not and this in turn becomes the problem.

Currently homeless people are the best off, they have free rent, government approval, full medical (Medicaid), free food, free clothes and free money, you say poor homeless people, we say poor us :-(

You don't give money to an addict, and with these types of benefits you create addiction and your numbers prove it because we are spending more on homelessness today than we ever have and that should tell you that throwing money at it doesn't is the only solution to the problem.

Idle hands are the devils playtoy...

That is why propaganda systems like ISIS/ISOL/IS are tolerated by the government to a degree because it solves their immediate needs, you know the slogan, give me your poor, your tired, your hungry...

The sad part of it is, will be that these campaigns prey on the innocent and convince them into thinking that their mission is trustworthy, but it's not, however, they're only doing by seeing...

Christians - Killed in the name of, Catholics - Killed in the name of, Mormons - Killed in the name of and the list goes on...

Seemingly they'll give the impression that it's a good investment with a long term resolve in place and they do, just not in your best interest and therein lies the disconnect.

Disconnect, that is what has been missing for so long, disconnect and now with social media we're able to connect and keep in contact, but a blessing can also be a curse and what social media has brought is awareness to what is "really" going on in the world and has been going on...

All the nations have gathered together So that the peoples may be assembled. Who among them can declare this And proclaim to us the former things? Let them present their witnesses that they may be justified, Or let them hear and say, "It is true." You are My witnesses," declares the LORD, "And My servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and believe Me And understand that I am GOD. Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the LORD, And there is no savior besides Me...

sidenote: Isn't it odd that people agree that there's just one Satan, but can't agree that there's just One GOD...

There is no evidence to support that Jesus Christ is a god, and because of this blasphemous remark exiled him from existence by his own kind.

Iran prayed to the wrong gods and their nation crumbled, Greece prayed to wrong gods and their nation crumbled, China and Japan prayed to wrong gods and their nations crumbled, England prays to the wrong gods and their nation is crumbling, the US prays to the wrong gods and their nation is crumbling...

You have to know that the Jesus Christ theory is only that, a theory that was created to save a bloodline at which point was tainted from composition.

This bloodline is the source of today's disconnect and this is the bloodline that is holding at ransom the truths that were willed to us from our Creator our one and only Lord GOD.

No sense checking your horoscope, that wouldn't be very Christian of you, and no sense breaking out any charms to ward off evil spirits, that too wouldn't be Christian at all.

Outcomes are reeled from within so if you want peace you'll have to search yourself for the truth.

Oh and if you're wondering why we are telling you this is because GOD wanted us to tell you...and that's a fact!
"The season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway saw the ending of a legendary career and the completion of an incredible comeback with Jeff Gordon's final start in the No. 24 car and Kyle Busch's 2015 championship, respectively." NASCAR Staff report.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Mars Rover...

The Mars Rover is an incomplete project. What we are trying to find out there is Resources like Oil and Water and...Life...

We are intrigued with scents like, Mama's Apple Pie, or Pasta, but there is also a scent that we carry or animals carry that draws interest from predators.

In order to bring out life we would think that you would have to build in human DNA or animal DNA.

The rover would still drive around and take pictures, but this time it would leave a scent trail with heat built into it somehow to possibly bring more attention to the rover.

Think about it...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Windows 10 Money Woes...

Well it's going to be real easy to start spending some money now that a new Operating System came out.

Just remember there are some alternatives to programs out there that you may want to check out first before you start spending money.

Two popular Programs are Office and Photoshop and here are two very good alternatives other than Microsoft or Adobe/Corel...

LibreOffice is a powerful office suite: Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreadsheet application, Impress, the presentation engine...

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program; photo retouching, image composition and image authoring...

It’s hard to draw a line between “features” and “applications” in Windows 10 (case in point: Edge), but the Universal/Metro apps bundled with Win10 have picked up new smarts...

This is the time to step outside your comfort zone and try some new things and get talking to people about what they like as an alternative.

Friday, November 13, 2015

How to beat the Photo Enforced Camera...

The Photo Enforced camera is a perfect example for the phrase, "Passive Aggressive" which is used to justify having Photo Enforced intersections.

The passive is pretending that they are concerned about safety, because if they were, they would put a sign up that says, "No Right Turn on Red" but they don't.

The aggressive here, is that they put a fine ahead of safety and allow turns on reds which account for the most tickets served at an intersection.

There are more chances of failure by allowing turns, because technically you're supposed to stop equal with the other cars instead of what most do and drive into the Crosswalk.

The reason people do this is because to the left of them is a car and to the right of them is some kind of an obstruction, both of which are obstructions.

You either have someone that has grown bushes or trees around the corner disabling a good view of pedestrians, and the car beside you blocks your view to the pedestrians and cars that are coming.

This is the Right Hand Turn debacle, and should they or shouldn't they disable the ability to turn right at intersections with lights.

Let us help them with this question...ENABLE IT NOW! and start with intersections that have high pedestrian activity and or/Photo Enforced intersections.

It's the "Vision Zero" program. "Vision Zero Action Plan is the City's foundation for ending traffic deaths and injuries on our streets".

They know that by putting 5 words up that say "No Right Turn on Red" solves this, but why would they, can't make no money that way boss :-P

sidenote: We want to enforce two rules for writing. The punctuation behind quote 2 i.e. "Test",
it's the comma behind quote 2 that doesn't need to be there. If the sentence continues then let the second quote imply the comma otherwise only apply the period. The second is the Emoticon, let the emoticon reflect the comma punctuation also, but this time allow the emoticon exception to the  tense, ie. period, question mark, exclamation mark and let the sentence and the emoticon speak for itself, or rather "Imply" ;-)

Anyway, the reason they are going around with this issue is because some people want to make money and some people are struggling with an understanding, and what is that do we justify implementing Vision Zero...

Well here is the solution you are looking for..."Electric Cars". Electric Cars are silent and people are used to hearing a car come up to the corner, but with electric there isn't any noise.

That is the future and as such will increase accidents and fatality rates at an intersection if they don't apply 5 little words, "No Right Turn on Red" solution.

If we didn't have electric cars on the road then we would understand not enforcing this law, but since we have electric "driverless" Google cars on the road then it's time to come together on an issue.

However, that being said, is not why you are here, the answer you are looking for is how do I get out of a photo enforced ticket...

There are two ways, one is a little harder because it's hard to see the unknown, but still it would be to test the device that gave you a ticket...

You'll question the type of technology it uses and you'll question when the last time it was serviced, but if this is up to date, you'll lose by default,

The second way is to go directly into the solution and say..."I Wasn't Driving".

When you are ticketed they will send you a video of your car making the infraction and if the camera that picked you up was behind you and not in front of you you'll be able to get the case dismissed no questions asked.

If you were driving and you said you weren't will only describe the type of person you are because the swear in is different, they typically say, Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth so help you GOD...I do, but not in Photo Enforced. All they do now is hold you at your word.

Do you swear to tell the truth...I do? ;-)

Since you have a video of what is going to be shown in court will allow you time to create an argument, instead of having to think of one on your feet.

It's kind of like a Discovery of sorts that Lawyers get that provide behind the scenes footage like, Cops statements and video if any.

The reason they dismiss the case is because they can't see your face and the court is bound to proving beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you choose the method of "I Wasn't Driving" and you were driving, you'll be telling a lie, so it's what you can live with will decide how you answer the Judges questions.

The problem with this solution is that nothing gets fixed :-( other than you getting out of the ticket and fine :-) but if you speak up your voice will be heard, a ticket will be prevented and a life will be saved...and that's a fact!

...okay, there is a third option that will maintain your integrity by using the courts rules to your advantage...

The Court has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty and you don't want to lie by saying "I wasn't Driving" so the solution is to have the court prove that you are guilty.

You'll be able to receive a discovery of your court case before you ever step into court that will give you all the information you'll need to build your defense.

You do not have to admit your guilt unless the court brings forth new evidence that implicates you beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you got a lawyer you'll need to be completely honest with them and admit that you were driving, but that testimony you give to your lawyer will never surface as long as the evidence can't support it.

Although, you won't need a lawyer and you won't ever need to admit anything if you just follow the golden rule of making the state carry the burden of Proving Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that you are guilty.

This way you maintain your integrity, you show the court that the system is flawed and you get your case dismissed...and that's just one more fact 4'ya ;-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Is Linux Secure...

“Linus doesn’t take security seriously; it’s yet another concern in his mind, and he’s surrounded himself with people who share those views,” said Daniel Micay, a Toronto-based security researcher whose company, Copperhead, is developing a hardened version of the Android mobile operating system, which is based on Linux. “There are a lot of kernel developers who do really care about security, but they’re not the ones making the calls.”

In summary, Linus is convinced that security comes at a cost, and he wants to see a positive cost-benefit analysis before he will implement it...

Linux runs on most of the Internet’s servers. It also operates on medical equipment, sensitive databases and computers on many kinds of vehicles, including tiny drones and warships.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Novell Tech Talks (Micro Focus)

Last Chance: Register for Optimize Your Storage with Identity Management TechTalk‏...

Patch Tuesday...

...if you dare...

The thing about doing your updates on Patch Tues. is that Microsoft could come out with updates all the way up to 12:00, so what most people do is leave their system on over night.

You have to make sure your sleep mode is off and what will happen is the updates will come in through the night and morning.

By Wednesday it should be saying a restart is needed, and you should then restart. In the meantime do your morning activities, bathroom, coffee then come back to it and should be waiting for you to login.

However, we don't do that, and don't recommend it, but we understand that it happens. The outcome is usually positive, but there is, has, was, be, being, been clause to consider.

Usually the failure is you've lost internet connection, or your malware program has stopped something from loading, and/or sometimes a combination of the two :-D

Microsoft could also have a problem with one of their updates that will need patching, but before then could cause computer software problems, or security problems.

In other words your system could become inoperable all because of a simple Ok/Cancel question that wasn't answered...

We usually wait a few days before updating to make sure there weren't any issues with the updates and when we have time to monitor them.

Think of doing updates like general maintenance, but better because you don't have to go anywhere.

Updates are easy to do, plus you don't have to go anywhere and they only take a few minutes if you keep up with them.

Updates Pending...

1 Cumulative
14 security updates
5 Updates for Windows
1 Windows Malicious Software Tool

1 Update for windows

We did them in that order as well, first the 14 Security Updates then, 5 Updates for Windows, 1 Cumulative, 1 Windows Malicious...scanned and rebooted to make sure there weren't any more important updates then I did the 1 Update for Windows under Optional.

Had a MSE update and a NVIDIA driver update. Did the MSE update through windows, but did the NVIDIA driver update using the GeForce Experience.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sometimes you finish...

Sometimes you don't, but unless you try, you'll never know the outcome of both...and that's a fact!

"The Verse Unsung"
I knew it from the start,
and I knew that I should go,
but there was something in your eyes,
an all familiar glow...that I know...
Selfish hearts will compromise,
to steal time just to make it paralyze,
like the tracks left in the snow,
frozen over by the cold...
Ohh Should I stay or should I go,
I'm in no hurry Baby, yeah, and I'll take it slow,
I know we both felt this way before
So stop me at that painful infraction...
It was your blue eyes and the step in your sway
that stopped my heart and took uhhhh breath from me
and like an Angel your voice overcame
then lifted me up, and carried me away...
Cupids Arrow flows through the trees,
Like a silent whisper of an Autumn breeze...
but when the blue falls from the skies,
and if love is blind tell me how it sees...
If the sun goes up it's gotta go down
just like a smile can turn into a frown
but like a memory those days will live on
within a picture a poem or a song...
Now I'm crossing my heart, and I won't tell a lie,
Our love was strong, that I cannot deny,
and just because the lovin' ends
doesn't mean we still can't be friends...
Ohh Should I stay or should I go,
I'm in no hurry Baby, yeah, and I'll take it slow,
I know we both felt this way before
So stop me at that painful infraction...
It was your blue eyes and the step in your sway
that stopped my heart and took uhhhh breath from me
and like an Angel your voice overcame
then lifted me up, and carried me away...
I'm not lost now, I don't need no direction
It's south out of town, gotta make that connection
It's better to have loved is what they will say,
if not forever just for that day...
We've said our hellos now we've said our goodbyes,
We had it all, but now it's time to divide
we were just two leaves floating free
When love found you and you found me...
Now I'm crossing my heart, and I won't tell a lie,
Our love was strong, that I cannot deny,
and just because the lovin' ends
doesn't mean we still can't be friends...      
Now I'm crossing my heart, and I won't tell a lie,
Our love was strong, that I cannot deny,
and just because the lovin' ends
doesn't mean we still can't be friends...
Now I'm crossing my heart, and I won't tell a lie,
Our love was strong, that I cannot deny,
and just because the lovin' ends
doesn't mean we still can't be friends...
...we were just two leaves floating free...
...when love found you, and you found me...
-V- ©

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Here's an Idea...

An LED lit marquee that you would mount in your back window.

It's light enough and thin enough that you can use suction cups type window mounts that would hold a scrolling marquee in your back window.

It would be wireless or Bluetooth and would connect to your mobile device with an app that allows you to call it up with your voice by name that would issue commands you have programmed.

Like, Have a Nice Day :-) or Get Off my ASS! to Game Day! that has a rolling message about your team with stars and balloons or fireworks like digital image. ex. TOUCHDOWN!!! ;-)

In reference to Get Off my ASS! we see a Kinect like eye that can judge the distance of the car behind you to let them know if they are too close to your car.

It could have the feet left to stop or it could even count the car lengths at highway speed that would let people know when they are at a safe traveling distance.

If you travel within the safe limits the readout would thank you and then disappear. It would only reappear if you come to close or you activate it.

The Sporting Banner is what we see cheering on your Team GO TEAM GO TEAM like marquee running across that other people can see.

You could even like the banner if the other car had the same app installed that would send a token of appreciation to the driver. It could also go directly to your online profile like Facebook to share with others.

We see it being fun, flirtatious, angry really anything, maybe even could be a fact!

We actually see it becoming integrated into the back window itself. It's not any different than what they have now with the Dash Board Gauges in the Windshield...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Here's an Idea...

We've seen an opening in the market for a new Venture, other than marijuana.

Home Schooling.

What we see is a Home Schooling Cloud Based program that would track and monitor your child from birth to see and help shape the interests a child has.

We see an algorithm being written that can help bring out in an earlier age the career path your child could have using Software written by PHD's and Endorsed by the Educational System.

Currently we only see it going to 5th grade for now, but could be designed to improve, increase the learning capability from birth to graduation by age 12-18 ;-)

There will still be that demographic, so it's not a competition, it's all about time management with education.

It's the beginning teaching of Life's struggles to manage a mortgage/rent/transportation expense etc..

sidenote: We don't believe that Charter style schools that have all grades inclusive don't work as well as birth to 5th, then 6 to 12th is what we think works best.

It also allows that one to one connection that teachers complain they don't have enough of now because the classes are too big or they have a communication/language barrier.

With the home schooling software you wouldn't have those problems.

Now it's very easy to create something like this because it has and is going on now, but not to its full potential because of one interaction...

This is where VR comes into play, hint hint, and you'll create a virtual play ground effect that all the kids will be in at Recess time, but this time the game will not only provide activity for the children, it will also keep them thinking.

You could be all Tron to Kick ball with it, the possibilities are endless, and everyone are themselves, no caricature.

Now you have your children safe at home learning, doing chores, allowing playtime learning and playing with life the way it was meant to be.

sidenote: The software is your security system as well, because the child has to check in at certain times with facial confirmations. So it's also your babysitter as well, but grandmas work well too ;-)

With the cloud people are able to telecommute more, and some people don't need to work if the spouse is working.

sidenote: Think of all the transportation expenses that would be saved by home schooling. Personal and the Schools expense HUGE SAVINGS!

Babysitting will take on a new name, and will work like a Molly Maid service where a person comes out and watches your child all the while keeping their education going.

As for the money for the school would come from the parents as well as donations and government subsidies.

The parents role is to invest in their child by creating a trust account that will be used for their college, or not, maybe they don't want to go to college.

The money could be used to help them get out on their own and land a job or travel until they feel ready to settle down.

You can't put a limit on education, so you must allow the child to explore to their hearts content or the money runs out.

Home schooling would be either the new way of Private Education, or Public Education or combined into one to save some damn money!

There would still be educators because these are the people that will help mold the software into shape, but yes, the job will require the best of the best by using the least of the most teachers that are out there ;-)

The child will be required to return what the parents put into their trust fund by either paying them back in full right away, over time, or setup in a retirement account when they reach that age.

Having the child more involved in the day to day activities will show them the value in what it takes to raise a child and what it takes just to live.

The reason why Millennial's don't honor tradition is because they weren't shown respect...and that's a fact!

cannedrebuttal: Music and Art can also be done through the App and the VR can bring all the students together in an Internet Ready room that parents can connect to from any device and watch the recital Live and Online, or look at their Artwork, all from the comfort of your home. What about sports...Sports...sports are too expensive for a school because they try to accommodate everyone, but we all know that Football always gets the money. You need to remove sports out of Schools altogether and start more pee-wee leagues that parents can donate too and is open to everyone, not just students and parents. Public sporting venues already support these types of events and host all ages and all leagues.

Monday, November 2, 2015

It Still Doesn't Work...

Snapchat said they had a program that took pictures and deleted themselves as soon as they were downloaded, sounds simple enough, but it didn't...

They were offered 3 billion dollars from Facebook, and other companies like Google bidded billions of dollars for this program that didn't work.

They didn't sell to them and continued at the pace they set and kept the company private...for now...

Well, they are back in the news, because apparently the program still doesn't work...

Popular messaging app Snapchat has updated its terms and conditions and now claims the right to reproduce, modify and republish any of your content...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Congratulations Facebook!!!

101.97 Facebook makes it over the 100 mark...Mark...Mark Zuckerberg ;-)

For those of you that held onto your stock when it came out good for you, but for those of you that bought at 18 are much happier :-D

Nice Job Facebook...and that's a fact!

NASCAR 2015 Sprint Cup Series...

"In a 23-year career that is one long highlight reel, his victory Sunday overwhelmed the NASCAR great. He had just earned a spot in the championship race, a chance to race for an elusive fifth title. It was, in his mind, “one of my finest moments I’ve ever had.” Jeff Gordon 'IndyStar'

Way to go Jeff, you made it to the Eliminator 8 2015 Sprint Cup Final.

1. Hendrick Motorsports  Jeff Gordon          chase trophy  24 4047 Leader  33 1 5 18 1 2
2. Joe Gibbs Racing  Kyle Busch                  chase trophy  18 4039 -8  22 4 9 13 2 6
3. Furniture Row Racing  Martin Truex Jr    chase trophy  78 4039 -8  33 1 8 21 2 3
4. Stewart-Haas Racing  Kevin Harvick       chase trophy  4 4037 -10  33 3 20 25 1 3
5. Joe Gibbs Racing  Carl Edwards               chase trophy  19 4030 -17  33 2 6 14 2 -3
6. Team Penske  Brad Keselowski                chase trophy  2 4013 -34  33 1 7 22 1 -1
7. Stewart Haas Racing  Kurt Busch             chase trophy  41 4011 -36  30 2 10 18 0

sidenote: NASCAR has been the most watched sport for the last 4 months. Has shown a steady improvement over the last 4 years.