Tuesday, August 11, 2015

In the News...

Let the Drama Begin...

Well as we thought the first "TRUE" crash from Windows 10...

Windows 10: forced update causing constant reboots for some users...

The new operating system can now be found on the Surface Pro 3 already pre-installed, but some of its features don’t actually work...

3rd Party's Start Your Cash Registers!

Oracle's security chief posted a crazy ranting tirade. Then Oracle deleted it...

"Now is a good time to reiterate that I’m not beating people up over this merely because of the license agreement. More like, “I do not need you to analyze the code since we already do that, it’s our job to do that, we are pretty good at it, we can – unlike a third party or a tool – actually analyze the code to determine what’s happening and at any rate most of these tools have a close to 100% false positive rate so please do not waste our time on reporting little green men in our code.” I am not running away from our responsibilities to customers, merely trying to avoid a painful, annoying, and mutually-time wasting exercise."


Forbes Tech News · 10 hours ago...
Oracle’s Chief Security Officer, Mary Ann Davidson, made comments that border on arrogance toward infosec researchers...

Mary Ann, we use analogies for customers that don't understand computers and how they work, so think of it this way...

Cops become Cops because they don't think like criminals and Criminals become Criminals because they hate COPS!

sidenote: ...and just because you don't like COPS, doesn't make you a criminal.

You need to warm up to the White hat hackers in order to see things you and your team WILL NEVER SEE, because you don't think like that.

As for the other levels of hacking, you'll never be able to get close to and neither will they with you, because they rely on loopholes and ignorance to keep the balance of life.

Now in the Real World Mary Ann...

Tesla "Recruits" Hackers To Find Flaws In Auto Software Systems...

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