Saturday, August 29, 2015

Windows Loves Drama...

If we didn't know any better we would swear that Microsoft is ran by a bunch of Women.

Microsoft has already announced that they were going to make their devices act as if they are on a single string and that each one will be like the other and then they announce the Surface Phone...

So what is the Windows 10 phone?

As usual Microsoft has no experience in Marketing and didn't think at all about how they should promote their new Operating System.

Microsoft is the Easiest device to use on the Market, but when MS does things like this the confusion starts to cloud over their endless technical efforts.

It's equivalent to a man working on a vehicle for a year and finally finishing it only to come home one day and find out that his wife sold it. When he asks why she sold it she replies, you spend more time on that car then you do with your family and I won't have it!

The same is to be said about the techs that have been busting their ass on a Windows 10 design only to find out that they forgot about the Surface...

This is scary because it shows you that Microsoft is losing control of who is actually in charge and Satya Nadella has no leadership skills whatsoever.

When there is no leader their are no followers and the result is a lackluster concept that has lost it's way and can't remember it's origin.

Even the leaked surface phone concept has created controversy in the marketplace on whether or not the design is true or not because the specs are skewed.

When we first read the news about the surface, it mentioned an Atom processor, WHAT, an Atom processor?

We knew something was wrong, but were excited at the same time because it was the Surface Phone, which brought back a lot of memories for us.

Thankfully someone has debunked the theory of this phone and it's specs before it created more confusion, but more than likely a Surface Phone is being built, but with what?

Now back to the confusion...If your OS is supposed to be adaptable to any of your devices what's capable and non-capable with the Windows 10 phone?

In other words, what can the "Surface Phone" do that the "Windows 10" phone can't do?

Well the first thing that comes to mind is that Microsoft is thinking about getting into the Auto Industry, because this is the beginning of the Standard Model compared to the Luxury Model.

They'll probably have an SUV model for more rugged terrain users :-D

GM makes Cadillac and GM makes Chevy, which some people don't know, just like Lexus is made by Toyota.

So what it sounds like is that MS is making different models built off of the same OS that have low end and high end standards/features.

It's a way for MS to shield itself from the onslaught of critical reviews pointed directly at Microsoft and instead just a Model.

This way a Model can be replaced without losing company credibility all the while preserving the underlying model that must work...Windows 10.

Windows learned that all the companies they helped become successful all hide behind Microsoft and when failure happens like it did with Vista all fingers were pointed at Microsoft and not the companies that were also responsible for the Vista failure, example. going from 2gb to 512mb.

If this is the plan, then that's great, but it also means that we have to make the Lumia 900 phone with the cracked screen last a little longer :-(

There is an old saying, Smile and Fake it. If you don't have any idea how to run a business right now Microsoft after spending so much time in the garage then make sure whatever you do just smile and fake it for now...and that's a fact!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Stock Tip...

Meet Bjorn Nyland, a programmer working at the University of Oslo, who also happens to own a Tesla Model S. He claimed that he has driven his Tesla for 452.8 miles after charging it in the charging station in Denmark...

Panasonic Corp (PINX: PCRFY) 10.92 ▲ 0.14 (1.30%)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Novell Talks...

Supercharge your IT knowledge with any of these on-demand TechTalk webinars on industry-wide trends and specific products from Attachmate and Novell. Each free webinar is approximately 60 minutes long....

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Stock Tip

Baron Rothschild, an 18th-century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that “the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”

Hardware is at an Impasse because they have created the tiny computer that goes in the watch and now they are digressing by building bigger devices which isn't sustainable due to the amount of resources it takes to build larger devices.

Plus the Evolution was to create the Tablet so now they are going backwards which means they are bored and have nothing to do and is why the Tech Market is down, just like we said it would some time ago.

...did you take your money out of Google and invest in Facebook? If you did you went from 55-95 points and should be a very happy person right now.

Speaking of now, we told you that things are changing and the biggest change is the common sense factor and what they are going to create to fix the problems that are out there.

Software is the Company to Invest in, so the profit you made from Facebook, take it out and invest it into Microsoft, yes Microsoft.

It's a Software world now and Microsoft has the best potential to make the most of your money due to the amount of companies that use Microsoft Products and continue to do so.

Only a Fool would invest in HP, but if you want a risk, invest in Intel. They have the ability, they just lack management professionalism, but have improved over the years.

Microsoft Stock - 43.07

Intel Stock - 26.56

sidenote: Follow Microsoft very closely and who they come in contact with, they are more than likely going to be looking for companies with the solutions they are looking for, but lack funding. This way you might find a small company that is traded and it would be wise to invest in them before they are bought to return a shiny nickel on them. Once bought take the money and invest it back into Microsoft.

The Time to sell has passed, the time to buy is now...and that's a fact!


They agree...
Institutions Buying Microsoft Corporation,, Inc. But Not Apple Inc...

Microsoft has stepped in to assist the Chennai Corporation in its pursuit to improve online civic services...


Thought it went w/out saying, but the most hardware ideas you are going to see will be in the Air and Auto Industries.

Just pick one, but remember the Auto and Air industry is tricky, good luck :-)


the ITC has ruled that Nokia's phones (now Microsoft's) don't infringe on InterDigital patents covering 3G cellular technology. The decision eliminates the possibility of an import ban that would have prevented Microsoft from selling many of its phones in the US...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Windows Update Alert...

Well Microsoft put out a rotten egg on the last round of updates and you need to patch it as soon as you can, but of course for IT administrators they know the damage has already been done.

What do we say Class...Thanks Microsoft :-P

That's the risk you take on updating right away, however, even if you wait as long as we do, you can still get hit.

Why did this happen? Well it's simple, Microsoft is diverting its crew over to Windows 10 and the new Edge Browser.

They are using as minimal of their resources as possible to make it absolutely irritating for Windows 7 users to hopefully "FORCE" you into upgrading.

It's a catch 22 because there are going to be bugs with Windows 10 and 3rd party software and there will be bugs with updates in Windows 7 Operating system due to lack of resources.

However, staying with Window 7 is going to be less impactful on your daily lives than the problems that are going to come with Windows 10.

Your malware programs will keep you safe even in a bad update situation like the one here, so make sure you keep your subscriptions up to date as well as the updates for those malware programs.

Your programs are already loaded so there will be little compatibility issues if any, so yes MS will play their little games with you, but in the end they are still obligated to the OS and the security of it and any problems they cause with it...and that's a fact!

Important Update for Internet Explorer KB3087985

- This security update resolves several reported vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. The most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user views a specially crafted webpage in Internet Explorer. To learn more about the vulnerabilities, see

There were also 5 additional "Optional Updates" that were added to the list of downloads.


KB3077715 (Before you apply the update that is described in this article, be aware of potential issues that may affect Microsoft Outlook)



Once you are done do a Disk Cleanup w/CCleaner or Equivalent, then run another Malware Scan.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Will Walmart Buy Sears...

This would make sense because Sears is too far behind to make the right moves now, they kept an outdated way of thinking for too long to recover from their mistakes.

However, Walmart would hopefully learn from the mistakes of  Carly Fiorina and HP and their purchase of Compaq and wait to buy them out of foreclosure instead of Bankruptcy ;-)

Compaq sold to the Highest Bidder and retired quite wealthy from HP's desperate attempts to recover losses when they should have admitted defeat.

Walmart is now presented with this question while facing it's toughest opponent...Amazon and it's Amabotical employee forging concept.

Some years back we tempted the thought that Amazon would never be able to compete with the likes of Walmart because we believed Walmart's Retail Experience would trump their E-Commerce only approach.

At the time it made sense, because Walmart was going online and already had both feet planted on the ground and with an E-Line on the way and should have put them over the top, but it hasn't.

The WHY is because Walmart as big as they are, still only sold and still sells cheap plastic crap as does Amazon, but what Amazon has done that Walmart didn't do is provide specialty items.

The rumor mill has said it was because Amazon sells Sex Toys and Walmart doesn't and technically they are right, but that's the perverted approach to justify the lead, the truth of the matter is Amazon sells EVERYTHING!

Amazon has allowed all retailers to sell their products through their E-Line which condensed people's search time to one source for a price better than they can get from a Retailer.

Which is great for the buyer, but the problem is that the retailer now loses a little money from this and their Landlords didn't drop the rent for them, so many retailers are backing out in order to stay above their "minimum" bottom line needs.

There in lies the paradox to Amazon's success...Amazon remember doesn't have the retail experience like a Walmart does and because of this won't have the endurance to open stores and build out to stay online, nor could they afford it.

...or do they...

"Amazon, though, offers no pretense that catering to employees is a priority. Compensation is considered competitive — successful midlevel managers can collect the equivalent of an extra salary from grants of a stock that has increased more than tenfold since 2008. But workers are expected to embrace “frugality”

Frugality, this is a word Jeff Bezos (Amazon Founder and Owner) is quite familiar with because for the longest time he didn't make any money and actually lost money every year, but he stayed in business because people believed in him and continue to believe in him.

"Thanks in part to its ability to extract the most from employees, Amazon is stronger than ever. Its swelling campus is transforming a swath of this city, a 10-million-square-foot bet that tens of thousands of new workers will be able to sell everything to everyone everywhere. Last month, it eclipsed Walmart as the most valuable retailer in the country, with a market valuation of $250 billion, and Forbes deemed Mr. Bezos the fifth-wealthiest person on earth."

'Thanks in part to its ability to extract the most from employees'...WOW, that is the most profound statement we have ever heard and is not a new term, it's just a term Employees are not used to hearing because most companies were family ran and treated each of their employees like family.

...but not anymore...

Jeff Bezos may have survived on Top Ramen every day, but not everybody can do that because just like in the Jungle, there can only be one Alpha while the Omegas listen and follow.

This way all the herd eats, while leaving the biggest portions for the leader and is a way of the wild and will continue to be a way of life regardless of preconceived notions.

Some say that we need Socialism, some say we need Communism, some say Democracy works and some say Anarchy works, but in the end there will always be a leader and the bulk of the portions will always start at their feet and of those portions will be kicked down to those who participated in the hunt and the bits and saliva that's left, will drip down to the rest.

 ...that's their definition of "EXTRACTION"

Walmart may have also failed to take the lead because they also see the future of business and maybe, just maybe, the memories of Sam Walton and his ethical approach to business has made them think twice about the new business model.

Seattle is leading the way when it comes to extraction by removing the weak, to make room for the strong and it's using the weakest to do it.

That is why they are building homeless encampments next to small businesses and neighborhoods that are in the way of production. This way people will move because of the crime, the smell of homelessness and bankruptcy that this brings, while leaving behind shells of an existence at foreclosure pricing.

The American Dream has created a sense of selfishness in people by accident because the American Dream was just a small family starting a little business that can pay for housing, clothing, business costs, college for the kids and a little retirement, but that is no longer enough.

There are too many restaurants, too many textiles, too many grocery stores, too many too many too many and the competition of each one of these businesses that think they can do it better than the other is becoming too expensive due to supply and demand, so you all lose.

Amazon needs companies to make their online work, because that is what they sell, other people's stuff, Amazon doesn't create, they're a reseller, an HP if you will and we all know what happened to HP.

"Pando, also known as The Trembling Giant, is a clonal colony of a single male quaking aspen determined to be a single living organism by identical genetic markers and assumed to have one massive underground root system."

In order for massive businesses to not only survive, but thrive is exactly this type of thinking and is why places like McDonalds, Burger Kings make it because they are of one root and they all think the same and they all move in the same direction.

That is what Amazon is creating, a way of thinking that everyone can connect to using their advertising, their shipping procedures, their connections and keeping it all familiar for everyone to feel comfortable, safe and at an affordable price...hence; the dollar menu ;-)

However, like the Books that Amazon sold, this too will be a thing of the past because business is already failing all around the nation and people are bowing out of Amazon because they aren't making enough money with them so this is just another process to get closer to something else.

Life is a Façade that they have created to keep you believing in the system they have created...

We have an analogy:

"One day a boy comes home with his father after graduation and on the table is a present that the father got for his boy for graduation.

He opens it and inside is a shiny nickel plated 357 magnum in a cherry wood case with the little holes cut out for the 6 shells that the gun holds.

At first the boy is surprised and happy and hugs his father and thanks him for the gift and says it's the greatest, Thanks Dad :-)

So the days go by and the Father is happy because his son is happy and then one day his son walks in with a New Watch.

His father says, where did you get the watch...

Oh, I traded the gun for it, I hope you're not mad...

No Son, I'm not mad, but sit down for a second and let me tell you what you have done wrong.

See, pretty soon you're going to go to college, then you're gonna get a new job and a new home and life is going to be looking pretty good. Then one day you're going to meet the love of your life and you'll marry and you'll live together and life will be great. You'll be going to work then coming home, going to work coming home, going to work and coming home just as happy as you can be, then one day you're gonna come home and find your wife in bed with another man, and you know what you're gonna tell that's time for you to go."

This is the façade that companies are creating now, because time is running out as is the water and it takes money to go to space and is why Elon Musk is becoming so interested in space exploration.

He's created a device that makes him money (Tesla) and the device that he knows you'll buy because that is what we are told we need.

He's marketed it as "No Emissions" which is attractive to people, but only saves you 25.00, but reducing the Carbon Footprint is the big sell and that is what sells them.

The Tesla is like buying a Home in Seattle now, you'll never see return on your investment and resell value will be Sh*t.

Example: A 250,000 thousand dollar home is being sold for 5-700.00 thousand dollars, a Tesla is being sold for 100,000 thousand dollars and the batteries cost 50,000 thousand dollars to replace.

This is why people go to college, to be sold on an idea that what they do will make a difference and that you are appreciated, when all they want is your money.

College doesn't make you smarter or richer, it's a tool to find the people businesses need and when they find them it will give the directionless, direction.

Bill Gates didn't need direction so he dropped out of College created a startup and is now the Richest person in the World.

However like we said, the technology bubble is bursting and come to find out it's being beat by the most unlikely of candidates...cannabis :-D, yep cannabis has lapped the technology market and continues to climb, but have no worry, the drone market will be HUGE, but anyone can make those, thank you YouTube :-D

Anyway, will Walmart buy Sears...Well that depends on whether or not Sears goes into foreclosure, but even then will it be enough to save them?

At this point Walmart would have to buy all the Retailers out there in order to compete, but even then, it won't be enough.

Example: Brunswick has basically bought up everyone and sold off half of their manufacturing plants and with all that only yielded them a 7% return and a flat stock, so learn by example.

Amazon has found the model that works, so buying out everyone isn't the idea, and remember there are only two ways to make money, either by having the most money working for you or having the most people working for your money.

J. Paul Getty believed in this and also is quoted saying, he would rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts rather than 100% of his own and that is what Amazon has done.

So Walmart you might be thinking about buying Sears and you may not, but one thing's for sure, if you don't do something soon, it'll be time for you to go...and that's a fact!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

5hVnz Person of the Month...

Facebook reportedly cancelled a Harvard student's internship after he created a Google Chrome plugin that highlighted serious privacy flaws...

Patch Tuesday...

...or Thursday or whenever you feel like it :-)

15 Important Updates

We had 2 optional updates one for NVIDIA which we hid and MSE update.


***Microsoft is being sneaky and forcing people to upgrade to 10 and as you know we hid the update just recently and those daffy ducks put it back in there, so highlight Update for Windows KB3035583 and choose Hide.***

Windows Updates are best ran lately by doing the Security Updates First, then Updates for Windows, then security updates if they reappear and the same goes for Updates for Windows.


Security For Silverlight should be done by itself.

Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer by itself.

Then Malicious Software Removal Tool last.

Get in the habit of doing it this way to improve the updating experience.

If you had an Update for NVIDIA, go to NVIDIA GeForce Experience and let it update, once updated you will see a new GeForce Game Ready Driver if you have an update for your card.

Choose Express Installation.

Reboot even though it doesn't say to.

Now Run CCleaner (include registry scan) or Disk Cleanup (include system files) or whatever you use.

Now Run a Quick Malware Scan on your Computer.

You're done now disable your windows updates and Browse :-)

sidenote: You only need to defrag twice a year.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Here's an Idea...

Just recently we were pulled over by a state trooper that can't admit that he is/was wrong.

We were cited with not wearing our seat belt and we were. We were even wearing it as he came up to the cab of the truck and did a double take, but still gave us a ticket.

Not only that, but we were working and driving 5 miles an hour under the speed limit, in the right lane with people passing us like we were standing still and yet this SOB still pulled us over for a FKN SEATBELT...

See, they have to give you a ticket if they pull you over for not wearing your seat belt regardless if you were wearing it or not because if they don't, they'll get in trouble by their Sergeant.


He knows he was wrong, and we showed him why he was wrong and he just looked at us like a deer caught in headlights, put his head down looked to the right while he lied and wrote us up anyway.

We are currently getting a subpoena to have the cameras that are on the bridge we passed that we drove under and would have got a perfect shot of us to prove this ..... wrong.

"It is estimated that there are around one hundred and ninety-six million drivers in the United States today. Knowing how many seat belt tickets are issued each year out of the twenty-five to fifty million traffic citations given yearly is difficult to calculate. But according to many insurance sites they believe that about half that, or twelve million to twenty-five million a year."

Typically it's 50 dollars or less in most states, but Washington is 3rd at 136.00, Texas is the Highest around 200.00 or more and LA is second highest around 150.00 or more.

However, we digress and we always try to find the positive in things and we have found one :-)

...must see good in bad...must see good in bad...must see good in bad...must see good in bad...

Currently cars have a nagware software that beeps at you that tells you that your seatbelt is not on, but this is not effective because you can turn this probably didn't know that ;-)

Though with this disable feature it takes the plausible deniability element out of the cliché rebuttal, "gee, I didn't know"...

Now fast forward...what if the Car wouldn't start unless the Seat belt wasn't fastened? This would make Click it Ticket Traps a thing of the past due to this feature.

cannedrebuttal: What if the seatbelt glitches out and you can't fasten it or it won't engage, no problem, their is an override, but an error light will stay lit until the problem is fixed. This way the officer could see that the seatbelt has an error and could give the driver a 5 day warning to get it fixed.

We hope you get the idea because we can't write about it anymore because we're getting pissed off again...


Well come to find out the Cameras that are on the Highways don't record, they are only used for taking time stamps for your Weather Girls to report how the traffic is flowing :-D

Unbelievable, millions of Tax Payers dollars used for 25.00 dollar cameras and a subscription to snap chat :-(

So here is a scenario, let's say that your Child or Grandchild is hit with a  Felony Hit and run...

The result is death, but the culprit skips the scene and is never closure for you and no justice, thanks a lot State of Whatever!

In town isn't any better and 9 times out of ten it's the 250.00 DVR Camera setup that some business uses to protect their premises that are used to catch criminals.

Now there are some cameras that allow people to connect to for sight seeing which are fun, but not very useful in an Emergency Situation.

Oh there is that per chance that someone was looking in the camera the same time something happened, but now you need to establish credibility on the person, if you can find them.

Cameras in the 80's used to cost 5,000 dollars and half of the cost was the enclosure that encased the camera itself.

Nowadays you can buy a camera for 500.00 or less with superior quality and better than that 80's camera wannabe.

Nope, it's just another way to justify 6 figure salaries for Officials that build Homeless Encampments next to Liquor Stores, Bars, Marijuana Dispensaries, Small Family homes and Small Family businesses while they go and cut the ribbon on some Wine Opening with the Uber Rich, where of course they would NEVER build an encampment next to...


The Cop ended up being pretty cool, thanks :-)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

In the News...

Let the Drama Begin...

Well as we thought the first "TRUE" crash from Windows 10...

Windows 10: forced update causing constant reboots for some users...

The new operating system can now be found on the Surface Pro 3 already pre-installed, but some of its features don’t actually work...

3rd Party's Start Your Cash Registers!

Oracle's security chief posted a crazy ranting tirade. Then Oracle deleted it...

"Now is a good time to reiterate that I’m not beating people up over this merely because of the license agreement. More like, “I do not need you to analyze the code since we already do that, it’s our job to do that, we are pretty good at it, we can – unlike a third party or a tool – actually analyze the code to determine what’s happening and at any rate most of these tools have a close to 100% false positive rate so please do not waste our time on reporting little green men in our code.” I am not running away from our responsibilities to customers, merely trying to avoid a painful, annoying, and mutually-time wasting exercise."

Forbes Tech News · 10 hours ago...
Oracle’s Chief Security Officer, Mary Ann Davidson, made comments that border on arrogance toward infosec researchers...

Mary Ann, we use analogies for customers that don't understand computers and how they work, so think of it this way...

Cops become Cops because they don't think like criminals and Criminals become Criminals because they hate COPS!

sidenote: ...and just because you don't like COPS, doesn't make you a criminal.

You need to warm up to the White hat hackers in order to see things you and your team WILL NEVER SEE, because you don't think like that.

As for the other levels of hacking, you'll never be able to get close to and neither will they with you, because they rely on loopholes and ignorance to keep the balance of life.

Now in the Real World Mary Ann...

Tesla "Recruits" Hackers To Find Flaws In Auto Software Systems...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Windows 10 Review...

The Only Windows 10 Review You Need To Read by Jack Holt:

Jack Holt backs up what we have said all along, but one thing Jack has that we don't is experience with Windows 10 that you should see and read:

Thanks Jack ;-)

sidenote: They did leave the tiles, smart very Smart MS :-)


Don’t lose your Internet Settings during the Windows® 10 upgrade!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Rant & Roll...

Just step off from America and view the World from up above...

Then move around and make a sound whether you're black, white or brown
act like you found that you've gagged and bound for so long they grew a tree...
yes in your name and it's the same so you've got no one to blame
but yourself so get some help before you throw it all away...

now move around and make a sound whether you're black, white or brown
before you drown in your own damned town by your illusion of being gagged and bound...
now move around and make a sound whether you're black, white or brown
before you can't wake up and end up buried in the ground...
now move around and make a sound before you lose that gift you found
the movement of sound of the heart and souls that keeps this world spinnin' 'round...

Just step off from where you are right now, and view the World from up above...

then move around...

5hVnz Joke of the Day...

Question: Why do truck drivers make bad lovers...
Answer: They only get semis...

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Windows 10 Compatibility Issues/Problems...

From what we have read they are having issues with Hardware Devices like Printers/Network Cards/Scanners/Video Cards/Chipsets and outdated software.

If your software is out of date don't be optimistic that the company who makes it will make it compatible with Windows 10.

There are three reasons why they won't support outdated software 1. is they want you to upgrade and 2. they usually don't have the staff/resources to support outdated software 3. some software just won't be compatible and will either be buggy or featureless.

Now if you are Super Huge Company that is willing to pay for Microsoft and Software Compatibility then you might get help, but if you aren't Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or equivalent, don't hold your breath.

Some people have had to download the updates to another computer in the middle of the load to finish the install, so be prepared to have another computer standing by.

We also read that the network card in sleep mode causes issues and that people are having to go into the properties of the NIC to disable this feature to stay connected.

solution: Go to Device Manager in the Control Panel and locate your adapter in the Network Adapters section. Double-click on hit and then select the Power Management tab. If the option “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” is checked, uncheck it.

We also read that people are having to reboot their router in order to reconnect to the network/internet, but this is strange to us...

The only reason people are having to reboot their router is because more than likely their Internet Service Provide ISP is being maxed out or you're using a POS router from Comcast :-D

Remember, you are updating Windows Operating System not a router. The router is not being updated and has nothing to do with the upgrade at all, so keep focused on the Computer.

Printers use their own software to be used with Windows and the driver is the way it connects to Windows and that is usually supplied by the Vendor.

Microsoft's driver is not an option when it comes to printers/scanners/video drivers only the Manufacturer's driver is to be used.

We are hearing mixed reviews with the Win 10 install, but the people that have loaded it are noticing that MS went with the Windows 7 look more than the Windows 8 look.

They have gotten rid of the Tiles and went back to Icons, which we would have left tiles because Icons are so yesterday and they leave a cluttered cheap look.

Most people learn from their mistakes and it looks as though MS has learned from their past mistakes and made this install cleaner than what they have provided before.

People can change, the question is, can you forgive...


Windows 7 will be supported until 2020 and they always add a year after they say no more support, so don't be scared into upgrading by some media post saying that you need to upgrade because Windows 7 isn't going to be supported anymore.

The type of support is not the Updates you need each month from MS that provide Security updates and Patches and MS is supported by millions of 3rd party and family and friends.

They are pitching the "FREE" factor, but again, don't freak out because by the time 2020 hits, your Windows 7 machine will need to be replaced anyway and some systems need to be upgraded now.

All you'll have to do is buy a System and the MS 10 license will be sold with the Device and as you know Dell is famous for selling 299.99 computers :-D so don't freak out to the Apocalyptic tactics Media Hounds use, remember, they're paid to promote, we're not.

Now the Irony: Come to find out Windows 10 works better on Windows 7 machines than it does the Windows 8 devices due to Hardware Compatibility issues.

Windows RT devices will not be compatible with Windows 10 and will not get the upgrade, but even some x86 devices will have issues as well.

This is the reason why they are prolonging the upgrades to the Phones and Tablets because they are going to have a S-Storm of pissed off people.

This is why we recommended to people to go out and buy the Amazon Tablet. This way you only spent 200 bucks instead of 400.00 and your Amazon Tablet will still work :-)

Microsoft is KING of keeping peoples wallet out so we knew to chill with Windows 7 and the people that bought hardware from us are still using their Windows 7 machines and are running great!

If you want a long lasting Windows 10 device wait until Microsoft puts in the new Intel chips, otherwise don't.

Intel is also KING of keeping peoples wallet out, so if Intel gets all greedy like they can do, don't be surprised if MS goes a different direction, probably not, but maybe.

We don't see AMD chips being used, their stock price is in the toilet which is sad, because they have a lot of heart, they just lack funds and talent.

Intel is hurting for business as well and the bubble is bursting on Hardware kids, so be smart, be humble and everybody wins...and that's a fact!

sidenote: However, that's like telling a drug addict not to use this money for drugs...