
Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Best Feature of Windows 10...

Microsoft makes it's Browser "Edge" the Default Browser for Windows 10...AWESOME!!!

Mozilla CEO Chris Beard said:

"These changes aren't unsettling to us because we're the organization that makes Firefox," Beard wrote. "They are unsettling because there are millions of users who love Windows and who are having their choices ignored, and because of the increased complexity put into everyone's way if and when they choose to make a choice different than what Microsoft prefers."

The fact of the Matter is that people have moved on from Mozilla. Even Linux users have moved passed FireYuck and choose Chrome for their Preferred Browser.

Did you hear that Chris? LINUX USERS HAVE MOVED ON, your fall back users, your best pals in the whole wide world have kicked you to the curb because your browser SUCKS!!!

Oh, we love the decision and it's a great decision because it's the mistake that the world is making these days and that is supporting the weakest link.

You Mozilla are a weak link and don't contribute anything to the party other than a pathetic desktop and a equally as pathetic browser.

Mozilla is like a Hitchhiker that got lucky and was picked up by someone in a fancy car is all. In other words, it was their lucky day.

Haven't you heard Mozilla, nobody hitchhikes anymore, so go out and get a job, move out of your Parents basement and pull up your pants, you look ridiculous.

Linux is the Genius here, the rest of you Google, Mozilla, are just hitchhikers hitching a ride, a curtail if you will.

Even Google Chrome OS is built off of Linux, so think of it like a Paint by the Numbers application. All they are doing is drawing a line from point A to B, no genius.

Microsoft "CREATED" an operating system and a Desktop and are the Genius, the rest of you are just Interior Decorators :-D or to stay applicable to application, Graphics Designers :-P

Microsoft is the Creator of Windows, and it's no longer a Monopoly issue because there are many choices out there for people, and Microsoft chose to concentrate on themselves.

You can't blame them, and they deserve to be the default browser because it's their software, NACHOS ;-)

It's like that old saying, don't go away mad, just go away...You know when people don't get the hint it's best to spell it out for them, so Mozilla FireYuck...F.O.!

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