Monday, May 18, 2015

Mad Max Fury Road 2015 Review...

Without any adieu and 5 star ratings system, we rate this movie a...1.

Horrible, but at least it starts off where it finished with 3 and not some conjobulated hybrid remake mess.

To put it into perspective, Furious 7 was sold out all weekend, and M.M. was not, some people even walked out...

The show looks as if it were done while hallucinating on mushrooms, not that we question why others do what they do, but at least envision in one frame of mind then write in a clear frame of mind  ;-)

There's a flip side to that coin and that is, because of it's cultability the frame of mind could be directed in that of a Millennial and Younger generation.

Which makes sense, when considering that they didn't renew the Mel Gibson contract and making it a completely new following by using the ol', "Out with the Old and in with the New" trick.

We're not telling you not to watch it, because the movie is worth watching for some answers to questions that lingered about the original Mad Max, so stay subjective...

Although...the flip side of that coin is that you could just watch it for the noise and mayhem :-P

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