
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Here's an Idea...

Baby Monitors go mobile...

You could pin something on to the clothes or slip a receiver into the clothes with a pouch of some sort then have a monitoring system app on your smart device...

You can schedule all the alerts like meals, sleeping times, events, but what's different is that you can monitor how many minutes you are away from your child.

You set it to 5 minutes maybe to remind you that you're watching the baby, or you're pulled away to do dishes or check something it will alert you a do you know what I am doing Mom...Dad... :-)

The crucial part is the GPS locator and what you can do with it, like...have it alert you when you start to get too far from your child.

Let's say you were having a day off, Mom decided to save money on Day Care and you needed to go to the store...heard this one...well the device would set off an alert that you are distancing yourself from so and so... uhh, did you forget someone alert!

It could be outputted to your car so just in case that day you also forgot your smart device, the cars computer would remind you as you are getting out of the car that you're watching so and so, did you forget ;-)

As soon as you set up your alerts and schedules on your phone, it could be outputted to a multi list of some sort and synced to all things that are digital ;-)

Grandparents of today don't really get into technology too much, so you could make a phone that only has one line on it with video.

It would be real simple, it would just ask would you like to accept view mode or voice mode only and the phone would be a dollar for the customer and treat it like a DSL Line "Data Only" keep it cheap.

You could sync the alerts to grandparents phone...the Grandparent Clause :-P if an emergency alert is sent out the device it will alert the Grandparents of the urgency to allow them the option of accepting a call or not based on it's urgency.

If they have a smartphone already it would be cross platform able, pending on the age of the device or OS version most devices could work.

The main purpose of this device is the proximity feature and should be the focus, anything else are setting the device to the age of the child.

You could create a cooperative agreement with Doctors, Scientists, Biologist and Professionals that could create things you could do with your child, calendars that could integrate into your app/device...

If you like an idea you could add it to your daily routine or a scheduled event could be added to your scheduler.


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