Sunday, May 24, 2015

Indianapolis 500 Winner...

Juan Pablo Montoya is the Indianapolis 500 winner.

Juan Pablo just won his 2nd Indy 500 (15 years after his 1st). He raced from 30th position, following an early crash, to win. Amazing! ASUS Al

We knew from the start that he was a champion, regardless of his NASCAR ratings.

Nothing ventured nothing gained...he might not have done the best he could do with NASCAR, but he definitely learned something that he may have applied in Formula.

Juan was doing better than Danica Patrick and yet he was asked to leave, which tells you right there that it's all about putting butts in seats with her.

Go Daddy has announced they're going to stop sponsoring her, which might leave Danica looking for a Job...

We don't think Danica is made for NASCAR, and we also think she is a Champion and we also think that she loves Formula Better...

You're a Formula Driver Danica, and you know it...and that's a fact!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Mad Max Fury Road 2015 Review...

Without any adieu and 5 star ratings system, we rate this movie a...1.

Horrible, but at least it starts off where it finished with 3 and not some conjobulated hybrid remake mess.

To put it into perspective, Furious 7 was sold out all weekend, and M.M. was not, some people even walked out...

The show looks as if it were done while hallucinating on mushrooms, not that we question why others do what they do, but at least envision in one frame of mind then write in a clear frame of mind  ;-)

There's a flip side to that coin and that is, because of it's cultability the frame of mind could be directed in that of a Millennial and Younger generation.

Which makes sense, when considering that they didn't renew the Mel Gibson contract and making it a completely new following by using the ol', "Out with the Old and in with the New" trick.

We're not telling you not to watch it, because the movie is worth watching for some answers to questions that lingered about the original Mad Max, so stay subjective...

Although...the flip side of that coin is that you could just watch it for the noise and mayhem :-P

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Simpons Debacle...

If you have been watching the Simpsons over the years, get ready to brace yourself, but the voice of most of the characters on the Simpsons gave a do it or else ultimatum, and or else won, but who cares...

It's been over 20 years and no one has aged, it's time to add new characters and get rid of the characters, replace some characters and keep on truckin'

The question is do they want to continue the episode...heard they were only prepping for 3 years with the current group, so maybe it's a means to an end...APOCOLYPSE end of series, Job Done :-D em :-(

It's all in the delivery ;-)

Here's an Idea...

Baby Monitors go mobile...

You could pin something on to the clothes or slip a receiver into the clothes with a pouch of some sort then have a monitoring system app on your smart device...

You can schedule all the alerts like meals, sleeping times, events, but what's different is that you can monitor how many minutes you are away from your child.

You set it to 5 minutes maybe to remind you that you're watching the baby, or you're pulled away to do dishes or check something it will alert you a do you know what I am doing Mom...Dad... :-)

The crucial part is the GPS locator and what you can do with it, like...have it alert you when you start to get too far from your child.

Let's say you were having a day off, Mom decided to save money on Day Care and you needed to go to the store...heard this one...well the device would set off an alert that you are distancing yourself from so and so... uhh, did you forget someone alert!

It could be outputted to your car so just in case that day you also forgot your smart device, the cars computer would remind you as you are getting out of the car that you're watching so and so, did you forget ;-)

As soon as you set up your alerts and schedules on your phone, it could be outputted to a multi list of some sort and synced to all things that are digital ;-)

Grandparents of today don't really get into technology too much, so you could make a phone that only has one line on it with video.

It would be real simple, it would just ask would you like to accept view mode or voice mode only and the phone would be a dollar for the customer and treat it like a DSL Line "Data Only" keep it cheap.

You could sync the alerts to grandparents phone...the Grandparent Clause :-P if an emergency alert is sent out the device it will alert the Grandparents of the urgency to allow them the option of accepting a call or not based on it's urgency.

If they have a smartphone already it would be cross platform able, pending on the age of the device or OS version most devices could work.

The main purpose of this device is the proximity feature and should be the focus, anything else are setting the device to the age of the child.

You could create a cooperative agreement with Doctors, Scientists, Biologist and Professionals that could create things you could do with your child, calendars that could integrate into your app/device...

If you like an idea you could add it to your daily routine or a scheduled event could be added to your scheduler.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Windows Update Alert...

Keep in mind that Windows 10 is coming out which means that they get their updates criss/crossed by putting driver/optional drivers in Important and could overwrite a perfectly good file and corrupt it.

Windows Updates are next Tuesday May 12th so keep a look out -O-O- in those important updates that you don't download a Driver ex. Intel-HP-AMD- are an example of drivers not to download from Microsoft Updates.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Seattle Omelet Solved...

There was one missing ingredient and the missing ingredient needed to be green to finish the load ;-)

...Seaweed...Dried Seaweed...You would mix or grind it up into the eggs for texture and a natural salt flavor...


We see Salmon and Cream Cheese or Feta, your choice, in the Seattle Omelet...of course, Garlic and "NO" onions ;-) jalapenos of course, but which kind, man, it's a whole thing ;-)

Think of this...roasted sweetened garlic cloves as a part of the sauce for the outside, or roasted garlic unsweetened for the inside...but one or the other for sure and/or both...Garlic hastuh *snap*


Jalapenos are optional and it will be up to the restaurant to decide what kind of pepper to use :-)

Spinach, Tomatoes, Cream Cheese or Feta inside the omelet...we also see Apples, Rainier and Bing Seedless Cherries on the know, Microsoft Bing...BING!

sidenote:  Cream Cheese and/or Feta on the inside of the omelet or try Yogurt Spread

"For the breakfast dish consisting of eggs that have been beaten, cooked until set, and folded over, American publications prefer omelet, and this is the spelling recommended by most American English reference sources. In all other main varieties of English, the French spelling, omelette, is preferred."

Some kind of drizzled sweet (balsamic Vinegar) sauce to go over the apples and the cherries and a little dripped off on the corner of the plate somewhere to compliment the sweet for the outside of the omelet.

sidenote: You'll never guess in a million years what the Garnish is going to be ;-) or maybe you will, but only the smart one's...and that's a fact!

The idea of this Omelet is to have both an inside and outside, (due to the rain) It's a breakfast and a lunch or a brunch and a dessert or a dinner with breakfast. So we heard of another cheese...Washington State Cougar Gold Cheese (smoked? for the inside...


We did some research marketing and the three questions that were brought up were:

1. Congested...A lot of ingredients, too filling...can't do it, the ingredients are representative of Seattle and the only variation is the use of Jalapenos.

2. It was called a Comfort Food...that's cool.

3. Diverse...the variations of the ingredients and concept.

The reaction before was "that's a stupid idea" to, uh...mhmm...that's cool ;-)

We'll take mhmm and what left the person trying to improve upon it, which is even better ;-)

The rest is just preparation and presentation...and that's a fact!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

DW Update...

New Update fixes a few issues, one for sure was the blank pages issue, but as for dll hosts, not in this update...still testing...