They'll have to win @ home first...
We have never seen so many anti-Microsoft people than we have seen in their own home town.
Paul Allen co-founder of Microsoft owns the Seattle Seahawks and yet, people don't put that together when they refer to Paul Allen the Seattle Seahawks owner.
Radio stations advertise for Android and iPhone devices and they'll tell you to google it, before they would tell you to bing it, not to mention MS has done more for Washington State than Google and Apple have together.
sidenote: In fairness, google it sounds better than bing it...we never understood "bing" and only think of Ned Ryerson BING! which doesn't paint a pretty picture...
In case you didn't know, their phone is called the Lumia, but it's not entirely your fault, MS has always been bad at marketing.
sidenote: Lumia is up for debate so that could be why they haven't marketed the name...
We feel we are the only one who owns an MS phone in Washington state, and people don't understand why we own one :-P
The common rebuttal is, they agree the MS phone is easy to use, and that for some reason distracts them from liking it.
Microsoft finally got the end user experience right and the end user is rebelling, but it's not because of the user experience, it's because it doesn't have enough games in it.
The other problem was it didn't talk to them like SIRI did in the beginning which put them behind.
It's too late to go backwards MS, so stay with the smart approach, because people are starting to get tired of the games.
One concern is the ease of information at people's fingertips that prevents them from learning what they are looking for.
It's one thing to have a mental block on a subject, but to blindly search for something limits the learning neurons.
How about creating a multiple choice answer routine that makes them confirm the answer they think is right?
Anyway, getting off the subject here, but MS you need to find a way to connect with the people in your own neighborhood before you can travel.
Don't go all philanthropist with it, because people are only loyal to you while you give them things, once you stop so will they.
Nononono, you'll need to be creative and bring back the ingenuity that you brought to this region by bringing it out of people by using MS products.
The most ironic feature in computers to us is "connect" because it's one thing to connect computers to each other, but when you can't connect to people data is lost ;-)
You gotta a tough road ahead you MS, but not an impossible one, so don't give up :-)
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