Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Virginia Marijuana Study...

When a thief Robs money from a Bank the radio will come out and say, "Robbers Just Made Out With Untraceable Money" Robbery of the century type BS...

All they want you to do is spend the money so they can come pick you up faster.

Virginia just came out with a Study that put some people on a little course and had them drive around cones high on Marijuana...

This isn't a test, and 9 times out of 10 you'll pass this test if not 10 times out of 10, but this isn't practical driving.

When people are focused on one thing like this driving test for example while high can pass this test easily.

The problem with Marijuana drivers in practical driving is what Professional Testers have determined to be the "DRIFT"

A Marijuana smoker stops at green lights, because they get focused on something else and they lose track of time.

This is the DRIFT factor where they can't compute too many things at once.


All they want to do is give you the illusion that driving on Marijuana is safe, so they can pull you over and give you a 5,000 dollar DUI ticket.

If you're a medicinal card holder your license plate is on file, and they could pull you over just to check your toxicity and won't matter if you smoked a week ago, you're going to fail.

Now they have Vending Machines that require your ID barcode to be scanned which has all your information on it, which will be added to a database, count on it!

Cops work on commission sort of speak, and as long as you keep giving them your hard earned dollars they'll stay in business.

If you start thinking and acting smarter, we could take the Police out of State ;-)

Or Worse, when you stop at that green light and someone continues through the light and rear ends the stopped car at the green light will generate more revenue.

Their testing should tell you right away that all they want is your money and another car off the road.

If you are a regular smoker and haven't smoked for a week and get pulled over and they test you for whatever reason you will register over their legal limit.

Marijuana stays in a persons system up to 30 days depending on the amount they smoke, and longer if you are a chronic smoker.

It's a war on cars and they can't/won't fix the roads and would rather build Brain Dead Poser tunnels for billions of dollars that will accomplish nothing but cost overruns and lost sales for business.

There was recently an accident that involved the death of 3 people and the driver was stoned. If the driver gets distracted from driving they lose track of time or DRIFT.

Not only that, their are two different types of Marijuana and one effects your abilities more, Sativa and Indica.

Indica is the Stoney Stoney Couch potato MJ and Sativa is the Uplifting MJ, but both produce the same DRIFT results, just Indica is worse.

This test is the person that says, "It's okay, don't worry, you'll be alright...TRUST ME..."

Make no mistake, driving on MJ and Driving on Alcohol are two very different effects and you absolutely positively and without a doubt cannot drive drunk.

MJ is so much safer than Alcohol is any day of the week, and don't let that DB from Washington tell you any different, because she is exactly that, a DB!

Marijuana has over 40 chemicals in it that cause cancer, but THC prevents you from getting cancer from those elements.

MJ is healthier for you in so many ways that Alcohol could never measure up to, so again the DB from Washington is exactly that a DB!

However, smoking MJ and Cigarettes increases your chances of getting cancer 7 fold, so quit smoking cigarettes, because cigarettes alone can cause cancer...and that's a fact!

Indica like Alcohol can cause Liver Damage, so be careful of your Indica intake ;-) Sativa on the other hand does not cause Liver Damage.

MJ helps with Depression, Cancer, Insomnia, Libido, Constipation, Anger, Muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, Nausea from cancer chemotherapy, Poor appetite and weight loss caused by chronic illness, such as HIV, or nerve pain, Seizure disorders, Crohn's disease...

The reason why they don't want to legalize it is because A. You can grow it yourself, so no profit to be made, B. Cops can't manipulate you like they can on Alcohol C. It has Medicinal Value that takes away profits from Drug Makers D. It can replace the Oil Industry with less impact on our Earth and E...It's just too good for you and the FDA hates that...and that's another fact!


Oh, and BTW, Marijuana is not addictive.

They came out with some BS that because the quality of MJ is better nowadays then it was a long time ago, but this is another lie.

Good MJ and Eatables have been around since 500bc and the potency has been all over the place and people do not get addicted to MJ.

MJ at any level is NON-Addictive, has been, is and always will be NON-Addictive.

You can't compare this to Gambling, because money only brings out the addictive personality in people, MJ doesn't have that ability.

cannedrebuttal: MJ doesn't release dopamine so the addictive personality disorder doesn't show itself.

Their is no chemical dependency with MJ so there hasn't been, is not and will NEVER be addictive.

MJ doesn't release dopamine in the brain, serotonin yes, but serotonin is good and without it has been linked to Parkinson's disease.

When depressed serotonin is restricted and MJ helps with Depression by releasing serotonin which is good for you, but not addictive.

MJ itself doesn't release serotonin, it helps the mind with depression and when the mind is happy and the body feels good, natural serotonin is released, it's a cause and effect solution, but not addictive...and that's a fact!

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