Sunday, January 25, 2015

In The News...

Well, so much for the lighter side of things, back to reality...

British researchers are planning on releasing millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys...

They are just bound and determined to destroy this planet...

Let's see what the "British" have done for America so far, shall we...

1. They "MURDERED" our American Indians
2. They destroyed our Gulf with their BPO oil Drilling
3. Their War Crime atrocities in the Revolutionary War against the Rebels
4. "In the UK there are 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people. …The US has a violent crime rate     466 [violent] crimes per 100,000 residents.”

5. It was the British that created the Slave markets and brought them to America which was the best thing for the slaves, because in America we don't have racism because we allow ALL ethnicities

...and coming to a America...Genetically Modified Mosquitos by the British.


This takes us back to our mention of the Gold issue and that Money will no longer be used and all paper currency will be turned into ash.

The War that is happening in our World is a Royal War.

Royalty or rather the, "Incestial" breed are desperate like they were in A.D. 336.

America has no Monarchy and most of our land is promised to whoever America owes money to, so
as they said in 1775, The British Are Coming The British Are Coming!

sidenote: Don't confuse Englanders w/Brits, Englanders are just like Americans and are very cool people. Every society has it's outliers and yes, even in America.

example: President Obama announced a plan on Sunday to preserve Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that includes asking the GOP-led Congress to designate more than 12 million acres as a protected wilderness, which includes the potentially 'oil-rich Coastal Plain'...

Whomever wins this war will be the deciding factor on which Religion the "WORLD" will be bound too.

One World Leader and a Bow To a Man that thinks he's a god (prodigal son syndrome) society...and that's a fact!

...speaking of facts, look at the fact that instead of a GMO Butterfly, they used a Needle Injecting-disease spreading Mosquito.

Their comment is classic, we have already let out these mosquitos in disease infected regions already, and we haven't seen any problems...yet...

It's the mutation factor that they need practical testing on and they can't test in a lab.

How many autistic children does it take to recognize that their Molotov cocktail like medicines are creating it.

Bayer and Baxter: "An examination of internal Bayer company documents by The New York Times reveals that the company was engaged in unsavory, probably criminal marketing practices. The documents reveal that Bayer continued to sell contaminated blood plasma causing thousands of hemophiliac patients to be infected with AIDS."

It's sad, it's just really sad that we have a world that could survive long past their expectations, but instead are only concerned with getting to a new planet by destroying this one to get there.

You would think they would have learned at least ONE thing in history and that is, not to burn your bridges...

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