Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ala Carte Channel Ordering Cont...

It was brought to our attention that John McCain spoke about Ala Carte Channel ordering in 2013, but keep in mind that this isn't our first blog, it's our 4th.

We have been talking about this subject long before McCain proposed this bill in 2013. Remember, politicians are like tape recorders.

They repeat what other people say, they are scripted to help them be politically correct and are essentially a tool for the public to help pass bills for example.

People have asked us why we post Ideas on the blog: It's simple, if you had the amount of ideas we have in a day you would also post them to get them off your mind.

We know that we don't have the energy to act on all of these ideas and some ideas aren't challenging enough for us, but nonetheless we don't want to see them go to waste.

Do we have some ideas that we haven't shared YEP! why haven't we shared them...well for one reason they are too outlandish.

Sharing these ideas with people that can't see like we do just confuses people and their response is always, "That's Stupid" only to see them come true years later.

cannedrebuttal: Oh yeah, sure you do...

- Okay, here's one idea...We never liked going out to a car in the cold and having a blast of cold air blow into your face when you start it up. People leave their car running in order for the heater to get warm enough to warm up the car and coincidentally enough is when your car gets stolen because you leave it running while you go back in the house. Have an electric motor that emits heat right away and then shuts down when the cars motor is warm enough to take over.

- The same can be said about going out to a hot car and turning on your air conditioning and getting a face full of hot air. Can be very irritating when you're already hot and having hot air blow in your face doesn't help.

- The unit can be installed in any car as an aftermarket product.

- sideffect - We see a side effect to this and that is the heat on a cold windshield could crack the windshield. Not sure, but hot to cold can do that, but it doesn't mean we can't produce a better window ;-)

- There is more that can be said about that idea and we have thought of all different scenarios, but you get the gist.

The Ala Carte channel ordering that is being discussed today is totally off base and they don't get it which in turn tells you right there that they didn't think of it, they're just winging it.

We were HUGE DSL fans until people like Philip Anschutz and Joe Nacchio destroyed Telco by greed and stupidity.

Philip Anschutz isn't in Jail because he's a top 1% Joe on the other hand did go to jail on a 6 year sentence and was released in 2013.

Coincidentally enough the same time McCain mentioned Ala Carte get it? In other words, Prison was a good place for him to think...

When Telco fell off the map Cable picked up and acquired all of those subscribers that the Telco's owned for years.

Stupidity and Greed destroyed what could have been one of the largest corporations in the World. If you think Comcast is big, think about how big Telco was and could have been.

It's actually immeasurable to even think about because it makes a person sick to their stomach knowing the peoples lives they destroyed.

We grew to like Comcast and saw that they were making a mistake and tried our hardest to let them know how they could fix it, but who are we? Nobody to them, so they don't listen.

The Ala Carte menu is not a cheap solution for Customers, it's actually more expensive, which is good for companies.

When you order an entrée and order an item Ala Carte with that entrée will be more expensive than just buying that item with it's entrée.

This is the very reason why restaurants don't like to substitute items because they know they would be losing money to do so.

sidenote: Plus of course most restaurants just don't know how to substitute. They get all twitterpated and freak out when you ask them to replace an item. UhUh I can't do that UhUh...

We wanted Comcast to offer Ala Carte for their channels, but they wouldn't do it because they got greedy.

They want packages that customers have to pay more monthly subscriptions on rather then piece mealing channels with their already in place packages.

Because of this greedy stupidity is exactly why they are going to start losing customers to DSL type connections.

Their stubbornness has lost them a top tier channel MTV and companies are dropping off like flies and Comcast can't afford it.

They have so many irons in the fire right now and are contingent on their subscription base to keep those irons hot, but it's not going to happen.

Money is tight for everyone and when money is tight for everyone they start thinking smarter and the truth of the matter you don't even need a Cable subscription.

You could get a cheap data line with DSL and watch movies and television shows online for free TODAY!

CBS ABC etc etc and the like are already streaming their shows online and they are free and it doesn't matter online or through a Subscription they are getting the views and in broadcasting that's all that counts ;-)

You can watch Movies online for free and listen to music online for free and output it to any device all for 19.95 as we speak!

DSL is in a great position to start a price war with Comcast and Comcast is so stupidly greedy that they can't see it and like DSL to Cable it'll happen overnight.

Comcast and the like can't afford to shave prices because they are bleeding money right now and with their horrible customer service is just another nail in their coffin.

Don't be fooled thinking that ordering a channel is going to be cheaper because it won't if you don't have a bundle of some type.

The only way that Ala Carte will work is if they provide packages with the ability to add or remove a channel.

That's right, Ala Carte will also offer a "Substitution" and you can drop a channel to add a channel that you like without a cost incurred, just a swap.

Packages should be able to be tailored specific to customers needs. In other words, customers can pick any channel they want and add it to their subscription.

Think of it like a Pizza with additional toppings. You get the crust, ragu and cheese, but now you can pick and choose "ANY" item/channel you want.

sidenote: And if you don't like Ragu you can change it to Oil and Vinegar ;-)

The other part of this Ala Carte/Substitution your way ordering design is the coupon. Yes Coupon :-)

You can use a coupon from the company for any Premium Channel to be added to your subscription at a discounted rate for a certain amount of time. Be it a year a month a day doesn't matter.

You can also have a special of the day and a two for one as well premium channel offers.

So you see, nobody understands how Ala carte works because it wasn't their idea, and now you know and, "knowing is half the battle"...and that's a fact!

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