Monday, September 15, 2014

McDonalds Update

Okay, so we have been going to McDonalds to get the #1 breakfast: Egg McMuffin, Hash Brown and Drink OJ.

Have been to 4 different McDonalds and if you remember the one McDonalds we went to with the Dirty Bathroom and the High Price has been the bad seed in all of this.

They have a Dirty Bathroom, their McMuffin is always burned and their price is always the highest by 1.50.

...don't know why this Mc D's is like that...

Anyway, what we have noticed in all of this, is that this food makes us very tired. Food is suppose to energize you and pick you UP!

This food doesn't which is to bad because, it tastes good. The muffin is better than their biscuit by size, texture and consistency.

This is where eating good food then going to this McDonalds food has only showed us that it's not worth it again.

When we had the bad biscuit we had to get the taste out of our mouth so we went back for the muffin, and got hooked, well no more.

Something not right about their food. The effects are like Tryptophan, the feeling you get on days you eat a lot like on Thanksgiving. It comes from Meat and Eggs.

It's just that it's not so much that you ate meat with Tryptophan in it, it's that you ate a lot of food and with Tryptophan = Sleepy Time...

So to eat a small normal sized breakfast like this shouldn't make you feel tired, but it does. Something not right about that.

For "One" Dine Out Meal, you could buy three already prepared meals from the Grocery Store for the same amount, tastes better and you won't get tired.

All of the McDonalds we went to were polite and courteous. They were all laughing and having a good time while keeping service fast...and that's a fact!

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