Sunday, September 21, 2014

Congratulations Seahawks

A well deserved Win. We told you that Marshawn was a Great Player and now apparently he can...FLY? YEP! He Flies ;-)

Manning is winning every day, so when it's time for championships, it's just another win day for him, win or lose ;-)

What do you give a person that has everything...nothing.

You got lucky again Peyton, you get to hide behind your defense. You could see it in their eyes that "Get the Ball" wasn't in em' :-( you wouldn't know about that would ya' Peyton...


It makes us laugh to listen to Seahawks fans claim their victory today, when just yesterday they were pissing their pants, because what took the Seahawks an entire game to do, only took the Broncos a couple of minutes.

It came down to a coin toss to decide the end of the game and it took a QB to leave the safety of his pocket in order to make the yardage he did, otherwise they weren't going anywhere.

But we lament, it's real simple for anyone to play Seahawks here on out.

The trick to "Beating" the Seahawks is to do what they do, intimidation. All you have to do is get right back in their face and they will back down faster than you can say...BOO!

The Seahawks are from a Corporate mentality and Corporate mentality is intimidation fueled by money.

You know the type, they usually make statements like...I'll Give You The World...

The thing of it is, the Seahawks players aren't getting paid what they deserve, but buy into the corporate carrot promise.

Which tells us also that the Seahawks don't have anything to lose either...

The only person that gets it is Marshawn Lynch when he refused to go to practice until he got his demands met. He didn't, he compromised and got 1.5 million for his charity.

...or so the story goes...

The Seahawks haven't won a Game this year, you all just lost...and that's a fact!


  1. An off-sides plus two other really bad calls equal congratulations?
    Not a happy fan, Asus Al :-(

  2. Ahh don't look at it that way Al, look at it this way...Heads :-D
