Friday, August 8, 2014

Seahawks vs. Broncos

The difference between these two teams is that, Colorado has "ALWAYS" been loyal to the Broncos, and the "Seattle" Seahawks have only become popular since 2005.

Colorado has ALWAYS been behind the Broncos where "Seattle" seems to think they own the Seahawks, and Washington can just get their own team.

Colorado has ALWAYS been loyal to their Broncos winning or losing and have ALWAYS FILLED THE STANDS where Seattle has just recently jumped on the bandwagon.

Sure, there are some loyal Native Seattleites that have followed the Seahawks forever, but the diversity in Seattle only goes with the flow.

As soon as they start to lose, so will their following.

Seahawks were a GREAT team and had all the right stuff last year which took them to a Superbowl and "EARNED" them a Win.

Which reminds us, You Colorado Chanters chanting Seahawks are Superbowl cheats is about the Stupidest thing we have ever heard and we're speaking to you, as a Colorado Native.

We know you are dumb, but we didn't think you were stupid!? 43-8 is not cheating, it's a Massacre of multitude proportions and has nothing to do with cheating you IDIOTS!

Bad Coaching mixed with a Flopper = 43-8. That's right, Peyton Manning is the biggest choker in the Game.

Sure, he is great in the regular season, but when the game is on the line, he chokes, or he sells out.

Burt Reynolds Longest Yard rings some bells for us. Nobody can do that good, and not have an excuse when it comes down to the BIG GAME...and that's a fact!

Peyton Manning is a Silver Spoon Fed, Spoiled two faced Rich Kid that can't handle the heat. He's a Punk and sure he now has two rings like his brother, but at least his Brother has a W on both of his!

The sad thing is that it's human nature to suck up to the Rich Kid because hopefully they'll remember you in their will, but they won't...and that's another fact!

Colorado, you are going to have to be prepared to Win without Peyton Manning, because he doesn't care about you, and he doesn't want to get hurt, like Elway would for you, so don't expect him to play for you when you need him the most.

example: Superbowl XLVIII...

Eli Manning is a true Humanitarian and lives within his means, Peyton on the other hand lives like he thinks he's a King, but again, just a Punk!

cannedrebuttal: Look at Peyton Manning's Arms, then look at Russell Wilson's...end of story!

The Seahawks had a great team last year, but have lost some "key" players like Golden Tate.

Marshawn Lynch didn't want to go to practice because he wanted more money so what did he do? He refused to go to practice and it cost him 500,000 dollars.

He put his greed in front of his team and didn't show up for practice until he got his demands met, but in the end all he did was miss 8 practice games and the first Pre-Season Game against the Broncos and a "Loss."

cannedrebuttal: ...but it's only pre-season. If that's how you think then you've already lost, because it counts...It Counts!

"He used to say, 'It's just as painful to do something well as it is to do it not well.'  P.S.H. Jul 23, 1967 - Feb 02, 2014

The Seahawks will waive the signing bonus percentage fines of $240,000 that began on Tuesday, but the fines of $30,000 per camp day missed haven't been waived and have not been resolved.

That's right, he put his team in jeopardy, and he put his wallet in front of his team, because he doesn't know how to manage his money.

We understood why he did it, the concept is implied, but you don't leverage your teammates and your fans to do so.

If your agent had any sense they would have told you that there was a better way to go about it. It's all in the timing right? and you didn't gain many yards your way :-(

He's set to make 39 million Dollars which is a lot of money, but not Lamborghini Money and he went out and bought a Lamborghini.

Wait until he gets the service bills for the upkeep it takes to maintain a Lamborghini. Maybe you should have talked with a Lamborghini collector who has a Mechanic ON SITE year round, before you bought yours, KID!


Then the game was halted due to a Thunderstorm and what did Seattle do in the Meantime...They played COPS instead of commentating sports during the hold, and what does this say to us...

They aren't prepared, they are confused, they are still in Superbowl Mode and are still floating on a Cloud and what happens when you aren't LOSE!

The Broncos have a Dynasty BACK TO BACK Superbowl Wins with the BEST QUARTERBACK of the Game, John Elway, so don't worry, they'll hold onto it for ya' Seattle...and that's another fact!

The Broncos and the Raiders used to be the Rivalry game, but the Raiders haven't given the Broncos, or any one else, any competition for a LONG LONG Time, and they aren't your competition anymore Colorado.

Your Nemesis is the Seattle Seahawks, and you better believe it!

See, Seattle his HUGELY jealous of Colorado's Broncos and talk shit about you all the time, and deep down, they are scared shitless of you...and that's another fact!

Just because someone screams and yells and threatens doesn't mean anything, why, because Action speaks louder than words.

cannedrebuttal: BACK TO BACK WINS!!! DYNASTY. Plus, the Broncos have been to the Superbowl 7 times compared to your measly 2. One loss and one win pfft! You gotta long way to go kids!

sidenote: That goes double for you Seattle, you lost that first Superbowl game, the refs didn't cheat you, Pittsburgh beat you ;-)

We do however, feel sorry for Seattle/Washington because Political and Corporate greed runs rampant out there, and because of that they don't have any sports teams to latch onto.

They lost their Basketball team thanks to Staryucks Owner Howard D. Schultz, their hockey team sucks and their baseball team is about as good as the Rockies, but are up and coming and have the most Winningest season of "ANY" baseball team! Hint Hint Rockies!

Oh yeah, they do have a Soccer team and is currently #1 ;-)

Another Example: 15.00 Minimum hour wage movement. The Employees are fighting back...and that's another fact!

The Broncos are the most improved team over the "OFF" season in all of the NFL, and the Seahawks are losing players left and right and they aren't showing up for practice.

sidenote: OBTW, we call the the Seahawks...SeaChawks! SeaChawks! SeaChawks...SeaChawks :-D Now that's your Chant!

Seattle thinks they have the loudest Stadium in the League, but they know nothing of the Fans of Colorado.

Seattle is a bit more technically advanced then you are Colorado, which means they have a better sound system, so kick it UP a Notch and show them that they got NOTHING ON YOU!!!

The Seahawks have two Great Players, Marshawn Lynch and Russell Wilson, the rest are just along for the ride.

The only way you'll lose Colorado is by not believing in yourselves...and that's our last fact!

So really, there is only one thing left to say...LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!


The Saga Continues...Police investigating assault allegation made against Marshawn Lynch...

Awesome, the Marshawn Lynch allegation is bogus, good, we wouldn't want any excuses on Game Day!


Thank you Forbes for backing our Play:
Broncos vs. Seahawks Fan Base - Broncos #2 - Seahawks #9. Nice Job Colorado, keep UP the GOOD WORK!!!

Hate to say we told you so, buuuuut ;-)

The Broncos Fans are like anybody that sees something that should be better and they let you know what they see. The difference here is that their butts are in the seats winning or losing.

Traditions are over rated anymore there is no doubt about that, but it's hard to deny that what we saw out there today, "when it actually counted" was what we are used to seeing with the Denver Broncos, it's called, "ORANGE CRUSH"...and that's a fact!

"The team had by far its best season to date, finishing first in the AFC West and making the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. The Broncos won the first two playoff games in franchise history (over perennial AFC powerhouses Pittsburgh and Oakland) and won their first AFC Championship, earning a berth in Super Bowl XII, where they fell to the NFC champion Dallas Cowboys, 27–10" Wiki

...Win it for Ol' Red ;-)

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