Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Perfect Example

Miley Cyrus just announced that because Elvis Presley was a "MAN" that he wasn't persecuted for wiggling his hips.

Aren't children fun, they think they know it all don't they, until they pick up that history book to find out they were wrong.

"That Presley kid is wiggling his hips again." This, of course, refers to the cultural reaction to Elvis Presley, who, when he first performed on television, was not allowed to be shown below the waist for "fear" that his dancing would lead to truancy, increased drug use, loosening of sexual morals'...but he was a man?!

It was because he was a Man that got the world to accept him for wiggling his hips...and that's a fact!

Now Woman Up Miley, and shake it like a Woman until the World accepts you...

sidenote: Update; I am Woman, hear me Roar! Should be changed to; I am Woman, hear me Complain!

Women want equal rights, we got no problem with that, now open that Door, Bitch :-D

Now that's funny...and that's a fact!

Luke Bryan - Country Girl (Shake It For Me)...

sidenote: When you are done sitting down on a wet seat, you'll wanna think about putting it back up ;-)

*! a new interview with Australia's "Sunday Night" television show, Cyrus hinted that there will always be something between her and the "Paranoia" star.

"I love Liam; Liam loves me," she told "Sunday Night" (via the Daily Mail) of her ex.!*

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