Saturday, July 19, 2014

Takeout Orders

What's the problem with Take Out/Fast Food Orders?

They are convenient...that's not a problem...

They have drive through...that's not a problem...

They're usually pretty fast with the order...that's not a problem...

It's fairly inexpensive solution in a pinch...that's not a problem...

It looks like they covered most if not all of the public needs and remember, they have been around for a long time, so they have a lot of history under their belt!

Hmm, that's right they do and you would think that they would know it all ;-), but they don't...

So what is the Problem with Fast Food Takeout Ordering...

They put the last thing ordered on the TOP and the first thing ordered on the bottom.

Most Takeout places are a place you are familiar with so you are usually returning for the one item you like, plus others, but that one thing for sure.

That's usually is what is said first, and they usually respond to the attendant with, "well I know What I want, but I am not sure about them ;-)

Besides that, the person usually ordering is either going to think of themselves first or the most important person first, so it would be best to put the best persons food first...wouldn't you think?

That's what I see, but don't go there enough to see the other issues, but I am sure there are more. Haven't been in the back of house yet :-D

In Restaurant they call it the Pivot Point System, where you start with the person on the left and go around the table.

That way you know who ordered first and how to deliver the food without yelling, WHO HAD THE YANKEE BEANS WITH COLESLAW!

The same can be used for the car as well. The first order will be on top then the second order so on and so forth.

That was the order of importance from the people in the car or in line so insofacto does the delivery.

Thank you, Come Again...

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