Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Like it's a big deal that Hobby Lobby won't pay for the "Morning After Pill" typical media making a mountain out of a mole-hill...or is it the "Drama" crowd...

The Facts are:

"The fact is that out of some 20 available means of contraception, Hobby Lobby's insurance plan will pay for 16, which include the following:

1.Male condoms
2.Female condoms
3.Diaphragms with spermicide
4.Sponges with spermicide
5.Cervical caps with spermicide
6.Spermicide alone
7.Birth-control pills with estrogen and progestin (“Combined Pill)
8.Birth-control pills with progestin alone (“The Mini Pill)
9.Birth control pills (extended/continuous use)
10.Contraceptive patches
11.Contraceptive rings
12.Progestin injections
13.Implantable rods
15.Female sterilization surgeries
16.Female sterilization implants

'Granted, the women aren't signing up for the male condoms or a vasectomy. But those are means of contraception available to couples.'

The contraceptives to which Hobby Lobby objects are:
1.Plan B (“The Morning After Pill”)
2.Ella (a similar type of “emergency contraception”)
3.Copper Intra-Uterine Device
4.IUD with progestin"

Get a hobby already...

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