Friday, July 25, 2014

Rant & Roll

Well I gave my life for another...
I Traded My Soul, with my Brother...
to relieve the regret of my Father and My Mother...
for birthin' me...

It's the day you make a Promise...
and you Get Down on One Knee...
to ask the Lords forgiveness, not to take him, to please take me...

It's the Crossroad with the Devil...
and a SACrIFIce is not a plea...


so make sure you know what'cha you read...

YeAH! I Misunderstood I didn't know the Rules...
I Misunderstood you don't learn it in School.
I Misunderstood there's no turning back,
I Misunderstood it's when you fade to black...

Long...Guitar...Acoustic/Electric/Drum/Harmonica/Bass/Sax/Trumpet/and some other sh*t

Now I have no regret for what I've done,
I have no regret that he's the chosen one...
Just give him the life that he should have...
fill it all with goodness and take out the bad...

...and all I'll ask is that the end come painlessly...and that you spread my ashes over that Shining Sea...

short...Guitar...Acoustic/Electric/Drum/Harmonica/Bass/Sax/Trumpet/and some other sh*t

YeAH! I Misunderstood I didn't know the Rules...
I Misunderstood you don't learn it in School.
I Misunderstood there's no turning back,
I Misunderstood it's when you fade to black,

Now I have no regret for what I've done,
I have no regret that he's the chosen one...
Just give him the life that he should have...
fill it all with goodness and take out the bad...

...and all I'll ask is that the end come painlessly...and that you spread my ashes over that Shining Sea...

short...Guitar...Acoustic/Electric/Drum/Harmonica/Bass/Sax/Trumpet/and some other sh*t

Well they say, "It's a Crossroad with the Devil," and a SACrIFIce is not a plea...


so make sure you know what'cha you read...

short...Guitar...Acoustic/Electric/Drum/Harmonica/Bass/Sax/Trumpet/and some other sh*t

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