Friday, June 20, 2014

Splitting the Kernel

This is again, something we saw awhile ago. We even blogged a proposed solution of such type of a device.

The idea is to get more out of the hardware then it currently serves, or rather, is allowed to serve.

They are holding this technology back due to low profits. Imagine, if you could use one system to service two individuals...

We see it going to 4 actually on "ONE" System, "ONE" OS and "ONE" Kernel...and that's a fact!

From here, you have so many options available to you for sharing. Your Data can stay at home, where the computer is, but you are free to move around the Universe...or where there is a signal ;-)

The PC is on all the time and can be accessed from anywhere...anywhere signal is available ;-)

Resources are running low and alternative solutions were needed to be put in place to maintain stability.

That is why we are seeing electronics going smaller and smaller to virtual to cloud...POOF!

Monitors will be your computer soon enough and you can buy them in many different sizes and you can place them just about anywhere.

More than likely you won't even use a computer anymore like we do now. The PC would be Hosted at a Secured location for you like Server is today.

You could buy the computer of your dreams with just a subscription. Guaranteed Hardware reliability and redundancy, up to date and secure.

Your security, email, apps everything will be installed and maintained by a Company like Go Daddy or the like.

sidenote: and so will your Internet! Monitored and Partnered with, more than likely...

Customers have complained about too much for that and too much for this, just load the OS and make sure Internet works and GET OUT!!!


The idea in the past for invention was Pong, so let's progress and go Battleship? One Computer, One OS, One Kernel, Shared Hardware/Software, Shared Data, Multitasking, NO OPEN FILE VIOLATIONS, head to head, anything one user can do two users can do better and so on and so on...

The current solution is to buy one device for each user. What if you could buy one device for two what about 4...

4 would be max for now due to hardware restrictions, but if bans are lifted, so will technology for Hardware Makers.

sidenote: What do we see...oh let us see some SWEAT at least...ok, 32 is the number we actually see...and is just the beginning...

Hardware Makers are struggling right now, because the world has gone smaller, virtual, cloud...POOF!

It's a Software game right now and Hardware ain't invited...and that's a fact!

...but what if, you decided to start your own club...

Start creating single hardware solutions for multi users. The PC is not out by any means and is more specialized, where tablets and phones are just toys, but the PC's are your bread and butter...and that's another fact!

It will all balance itself out, but to do that, we need to balance the budget by consolidating our hardware expenditures, you know what I mean???

Here are a couple of Links on the subject and this is an ongoing post...

Split KMS and GPU Drivers:

Another discussed idea to avoid creating a bunch of file-system nodes, is to allocate these resources on-the-fly. All mode-setting-resources would now be bound to a DRM-Master object.

The multi-user kernel extensions, originally developed for Windows NT 4.0 Server, Terminal Server Edition, have been enhanced and fully integrated as a standard part of the Windows Server 2003 family kernel...


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