Saturday, May 10, 2014

DW Patch Update...

Okay, "DO NOT LOAD THIS PATCH" unless you're having an issue with DLL Hosts 100% error.

...or if you have no idea what DW is ;-O Just so you know right...just so you know :-)

This patch that we are working on addresses two issues:

dllhosts.ex_ files increasing CPU to 100% and Tabs not closing and leaving a blank page.

sidenote: The _ in ex_ is an e like .exe, it's best not to post any .exe online FY...LMNO ;-P

This patch DOES NOT fix the tabs issue, but it does fix the dllhosts.ex_ 100% CPU issue.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD this driver if you don't know what you are doing or if nuthin' ain't broke...K? k ;-)

sidenote: It is not clear if we are having a driver conflict with the dllhosts file or not, but that is the "assumption" on our part. So again, DO NOT DOWNLOAD this patch if you ain't got these issues!

How to install:

1. Download the patch and save to a folder named DW Patch #5
2. Unzip File to same folder.
3. Disable HIPS until restart.
3. Copy and Paste unzipped dwall.sys file to C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder "copy and replace"
4. Restart

Again we stress DO NOT DOWNLOAD this file if you aren't having these two issues K...k :-)

The download will be removed after 5 days. Removed!

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