
Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Slap Heard Around the World…

The way we look at it Chris Rock got exactly what he deserved, only it was delivered by the wrong person…

Is violence the answer, depends on who you talk to, Putin would say yes whereas a Buddhist Monk would say no…

Although, certain scriptures of monks have justified Violence due to the nature of the act…

All Will Smith did was defend the honor of his wife, but should he have been the one defending…

That’s where this gets tricky, because really it should have been Jaden throwing the slap on Chris…

Chris Rock is a punk, roasting people can be fun, but what Chris did wasn’t fun and in fact was a show of weakness on his part, which he is, weak that is…

Chris and Will were at odds with each other, so if Chris were a real man he would have stepped up and roasted Will, not Jaden…

Plus what Chris did was poke fun at someone’s disability, something she had no control over and we’re pretty sure that is frowned upon in this day and age…

Especially at the Oscars where they’re put in a spotlight and held to a higher standard than that…

Plus Will thought it was funny and can be seen laughing at what Chris said, it wasn’t until he saw the reaction from his wife is when he changed his tune…

However, at this point Will was feeling shame from his wife not anger at Chris, so this is one reason Will was wrong in his actions…

His actions came not from Chris, but that of disdain from his wife at laughing at her and making her feel uncomfortable…

The right thing he should have done was apologize to his wife then give Chris a dirty look which would have resonated with the crowd more than him slapping Chris…

Plus we believe in a fair fight, Will could mop the floor with Chris Rock there’s no challenge in it for him and that’s not Will Smiths character…

Will rises to the challenges of life that’s why he is in the position he is in today, he’s very successful and deservedly so…

Will you know that, and you should have held restraint, but coupled with your shame and the pent up anger you had toward Chris anyway from your constrained relationship brought out the worst in you…

Look we’re all fallible at times so your actions are understandable, but don’t keep beating yourself up about it Will and stop apologizing for it…

All you’re apologizing for is for your vanity, you’re more worried about your reputation than your wife’s condition that Chris exploited…

You should be apologizing to your wife and focusing on family and her healing from the sadness she is feeling…

The only person that should be publicly apologizing is Chris, and if Chris had a shred of dignity he’d be apologizing to Jaden for calling her out on something she has no control over, but instead you’re making a mockery of it…

You’ve taken your sick and twisted views of life’s disabilities and created a comedy act out of it, you fkn punk…

Chris Rock absolutely deserved to be slapped that night, but not by Will, but by Jaden instead…and that’s a fact!!

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