
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Our Call To Apple...

Was a much different experience than that of the call we made to Microsoft...

In order to talk to Microsoft you need to be a Gold Reseller of their products, in order to talk to Apple, you just need to be a customer that buys their products...

We were quite pleased with our experience we had with Apple and their attempt to resolve our battery issue...

Without any adieu, we'll just let you know that our Battery is working properly again, but what we did to fix it is still a mystery...

First they wanted us to note where the battery was currently and note the time, then they wanted us to put our phone into Airplane mode from "Settings" then put the iPhone into sleep by the Sleep button, DO NOT let it go into sleep...

Must be left in sleep mode for 4 hours, then they wanted us to take screen shots from setting/battery top to bottom for the last 24 hours then the last 7 days with the Clock Icon Toggled...

sidenote: we really don't know what they meant by toggling the clock icon, we just assumed they wanted it enabled...

Come to find out, it didn't matter, because they never asked us for the screenshots, so all that was for nothing...

They did ask us for the Battery Usage and the Standby in setting/battery...

They mentioned to us that Apple has changed the way Google Maps searches by using Satellites and your settings need to be changed to "While Using"...

In fact they wanted to make sure that all apps were changed to either While Using or Never, but when we went to change our settings only Google Maps was set to Always, the rest were While Using or Never...

So right there, just by changing this setting could be the reason our battery was being used much more after the 11.0.3 update, however, we didn't stop there...

Then we were told that we we're going to reset the phone back to a new phone which meant we were going to do a backup...

Well we thought twice about it, and told them that we already have a backup and we really didn't want to overwrite it, but we did anyway, just to be non-objective...

iTunes by default only saves one backup, in order to have multiple backups you need to copy the backups to ~library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/...

We only had one backup, so we overwrote our backup and are regretting we did, but will explain later why we regret that...

We of course connected our iPhone to our computer and after we did our backup we reset our phone and set it up as a New Phone from the iTunes menu...

You will be given two options from iTunes, restore from backup or Setup as a new Phone, we chose setup as new phone...

This way you don't have any apps loaded on the phone, only what the iPhone comes with, so you won't have your contacts, email, text messages etc etc...

We were now allowed to charge the phone, which was fine with us because we had no one to contact or reply to because our phone was empty, so it sat and charged...

We came back to the phone in about two hours and our battery was charged, so we unplugged and stared at the phone for a few minutes just staring at the battery symbol...

We decided right then and there that the battery wasn't going to go down, because we weren't using it :-D ...

The screenshots we made before the reset...

Messages is the highest usage of battery hands down, 44% is what we noticed in the 7 day view, Chrome was 2nd at 11%, and we don't even use Chrome, Safari was 9% our primary browser and Google Maps was 4%...

On the 24 hour view Chrome was at 33%, Messages 25% and Google Maps was 13%...

Currently it makes more sense, Messages 71%, settings 18% Safari 3% no Chrome, no Google Maps...

We went all day on Monday with nothing installed on our phone and the battery didn't dwindle down, but we didn't use it, so hard to tell...

So that night we did a restore from Backup which put all of our information and apps back on the phone with one exception, we lost all of our music...

When we looked in iTunes all of our playlists were gone and all of our music was gone off of our phone as well, but we didn't have time to troubleshoot...

We used the phone all day, made sure settings were set to never or while using, but we didn't have to change anything, they were already set to that...

We went all day, texted people, called people and the battery was hardly touched all day...

Now don't worry we have all of our music still on our computer, but it's all gone from iTunes and iPhone, which means we have to add it all again, fun fun...

sidenote: We just want to note the Advisor backed up our phone, not us, when WE backed up our phone all of our data came back, which means...we're still the Backup King :-) ...

We have no idea why we lost our music and are contacting Apple as we write this to thank them and let them know that our battery is stable, but we lost our music in the process...

We don't want to troubleshoot why we lost our music with Apple, but we think that it's pertinent to the incident that they know this happened...

sidenote: We still have iMessages disabled...

So there it is, that's what we did, and are truly unsure what exactly fixed the battery usage issue, but you can take it to the bank, that it's fixed...and that's a fact!

Oh PS: 11.1 will be coming out soon, basically 11.0.01/02/03 rolled up in 1 11.1 ;-)

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