
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Here's an Idea...

We've seen an opening in the market for a new Venture, other than marijuana.

Home Schooling.

What we see is a Home Schooling Cloud Based program that would track and monitor your child from birth to see and help shape the interests a child has.

We see an algorithm being written that can help bring out in an earlier age the career path your child could have using Software written by PHD's and Endorsed by the Educational System.

Currently we only see it going to 5th grade for now, but could be designed to improve, increase the learning capability from birth to graduation by age 12-18 ;-)

There will still be that demographic, so it's not a competition, it's all about time management with education.

It's the beginning teaching of Life's struggles to manage a mortgage/rent/transportation expense etc..

sidenote: We don't believe that Charter style schools that have all grades inclusive don't work as well as birth to 5th, then 6 to 12th is what we think works best.

It also allows that one to one connection that teachers complain they don't have enough of now because the classes are too big or they have a communication/language barrier.

With the home schooling software you wouldn't have those problems.

Now it's very easy to create something like this because it has and is going on now, but not to its full potential because of one interaction...

This is where VR comes into play, hint hint, and you'll create a virtual play ground effect that all the kids will be in at Recess time, but this time the game will not only provide activity for the children, it will also keep them thinking.

You could be all Tron to Kick ball with it, the possibilities are endless, and everyone are themselves, no caricature.

Now you have your children safe at home learning, doing chores, allowing playtime learning and playing with life the way it was meant to be.

sidenote: The software is your security system as well, because the child has to check in at certain times with facial confirmations. So it's also your babysitter as well, but grandmas work well too ;-)

With the cloud people are able to telecommute more, and some people don't need to work if the spouse is working.

sidenote: Think of all the transportation expenses that would be saved by home schooling. Personal and the Schools expense HUGE SAVINGS!

Babysitting will take on a new name, and will work like a Molly Maid service where a person comes out and watches your child all the while keeping their education going.

As for the money for the school would come from the parents as well as donations and government subsidies.

The parents role is to invest in their child by creating a trust account that will be used for their college, or not, maybe they don't want to go to college.

The money could be used to help them get out on their own and land a job or travel until they feel ready to settle down.

You can't put a limit on education, so you must allow the child to explore to their hearts content or the money runs out.

Home schooling would be either the new way of Private Education, or Public Education or combined into one to save some damn money!

There would still be educators because these are the people that will help mold the software into shape, but yes, the job will require the best of the best by using the least of the most teachers that are out there ;-)

The child will be required to return what the parents put into their trust fund by either paying them back in full right away, over time, or setup in a retirement account when they reach that age.

Having the child more involved in the day to day activities will show them the value in what it takes to raise a child and what it takes just to live.

The reason why Millennial's don't honor tradition is because they weren't shown respect...and that's a fact!

cannedrebuttal: Music and Art can also be done through the App and the VR can bring all the students together in an Internet Ready room that parents can connect to from any device and watch the recital Live and Online, or look at their Artwork, all from the comfort of your home. What about sports...Sports...sports are too expensive for a school because they try to accommodate everyone, but we all know that Football always gets the money. You need to remove sports out of Schools altogether and start more pee-wee leagues that parents can donate too and is open to everyone, not just students and parents. Public sporting venues already support these types of events and host all ages and all leagues.

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